Unidentified Haven-class medical station

During the Clone Wars, which occurred within the larger context of the time, the Galactic Republic made use of a Haven-class medical station. This facility, functioning as a medical center, was positioned in Sector 11. As the reign of the Galactic Empire began after the end of the Clone Wars, this space station was taken out of service, resulting in the deterioration of many of its systems. Later, in 4 BBY, the Haven-class medical station became a destination for the Spectres, who were seeking medical resources to aid their comrades within the Phoenix rebel cell. However, the rebels were ambushed during their operation by the Fifth Brother and Seventh Sister, both members of the Inquisitorius of the Empire. Despite the Inquisitors' attempts to apprehend them, the rebels managed to escape with a supply crate, and then rejoined the rebellion.


Similar to other space stations of its design, the Haven-class medical station featured a long central structure accompanied by eight extensions. These extensions, when viewed from above, formed the shape of the Republic crest. Despite its abandonment prior to the Spectres' visit in 4 BBY, the station retained sufficient functionality to be fully powered, although the hallways were littered with debris. Additionally, the station still contained salvageable medical supplies.


This medical station was constructed for the Galactic Republic's use in the Clone Wars against the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Following the end of this galaxy-spanning war, the station was left unoccupied, but remained in good condition with medical supplies still available. In 4 BBY, the Galactic Empire dispatched Inquisitors, Force-sensitive agents, to locate and capture the Jedi members of the Spectres, a rebel group belonging to the Phoenix Cell. Seventh Sister, an Inquisitor, deployed ID9 seeker droids within the station to monitor for rebel activity, suspecting that they might appear there.

Meanwhile, in response to the rebels' need for medical resources, Hera Syndulla, the leader of the Spectres, sent Garazeb Orrelios, Sabine Wren, and Chopper to investigate the station, utilizing intelligence and access codes provided by Captain Rex, a clone trooper. Ezra Bridger, a Padawan eager to take a break from his Jedi training, joined the group, and they departed aboard the shuttle Phantom.

The Seventh Sister interrogates Bridger in the station control room.

Upon arrival, the Phantom used the provided access codes to enter a hangar. As the rebels moved through the station, Wren expressed her discomfort with its unsettling atmosphere. Bridger proposed using the station as a base for the Phoenix rebels, but Wren dismissed the idea. Upon reaching a control room, Wren instructed Chopper to activate a terminal. However, the astromech droid instead restored power to the entire station before Wren could instruct him to shut most of it down. This power surge triggered alarms aboard the Star Destroyer where Imperial Admiral Kassius Konstantine, Imperial Security Bureau Agent Alexsandr Kallus, and the Inquisitor Fifth Brother were stationed. Sensing the presence of a Jedi, Fifth Brother declined assistance and proceeded alone to the station.

Chopper attempted to locate remaining supplies using the station's computers, but the data was corrupted. The rebels then split up to search independently. Orrelios and Bridger, engaged in an argument, missed a storage room containing medical supplies as they raced to find supplies first. Wren was observed by seeker droids, but remained unaware of their presence. The droids alerted Seventh Sister to the intruders, and then lured Chopper into a trap, electrocuting him and using him to send a distress signal to the other rebels.

The two Inquisitors arrived at the station separately, each unaware of the other's presence, and began their search for the rebels. Bridger and Wren entered a ventilation shaft to reach Chopper quickly, while Orrelios attempted to follow but became stuck due to his size. Upon reaching the upper level, Bridger and Wren encountered Seventh Sister and her droids, and were forced to retreat. During their escape, they encountered Fifth Brother and were separated when Bridger sealed a door to help Wren escape. The Padawan was then captured, with Seventh Sister informing her colleague that they could capture the remaining rebels by keeping him alive.

Behind the scenes

The medical station was first seen in the Star Wars Rebels season 2 episode "Always Two There Are" in 2015.

