Tango Company

Tango Company was a company of clone troopers serving within the Grand Army of the Republic. Following the Second Battle of Geonosis, every trooper in the unit became infected by Geonosian brain worms, which led to a skirmish on the Republic medical frigate TB-73 involving Jedi Commanders Ahsoka Tano and Barriss Offee.


Infected clone troopers of Tango Company

After the events of the Second Battle of Geonosis, Tango Company of the Grand Army of the Republic was tasked with escorting TB-73, a Pelta-class Medical Frigate under the leadership of Jedi Commanders Ahsoka Tano and Barriss Offee, to the Ord Cestus medical station. However, clone trooper Scythe had become infected with a Geonosian brain worm and secretly smuggled a collection of eggs onto the starship inside his backpack. Once aboard the medical frigate, he initiated the spread of the infection to other clones, including Edge, Havoc, Ox, Pulsar, and Lieutenant Trap. The infected clones even turned on their own brothers, killing the pilots as they seized control of the bridge. With the worms burrowed inside the brains of the infected soldiers, the worms dictated their hosts' actions, compelling them to attack the Jedi.

As the worm infestation continued to spread among the ship's crew, eventually infecting Offee herself, Tano made an attempt to regain control of the ship before it reached Ord Cestus. Ultimately, she succeeded in preventing the infection from reaching the medical station by disabling the frigate's climate control, which caused the worms to lose control of their hosts as they froze to death.

Green Aurebesh graffiti near the exit of the latrine located in the 79's cantina on Coruscant read "TANGO CO".


The clones belonging to Tango Company wore Phase I clone trooper armor, and many of the troopers personalized their armor with blue markings. A large number of clones also displayed the Tango Company logo on their armor. Some troopers, such as Scythe, utilized backpacks to carry additional equipment.

