
Trap was a Clone Lieutenant in Tango Company during the Clone Wars, and he was a clone trooper.


The clone troopers of Tango Company, including the Clone Lieutenant known as "Trap", were infected by Geonosian parasites, which resulted in them turning against the Jedi.

During the Clone Wars, Trap, a Clone Lieutenant, served within Tango Company. After the Second Battle of Geonosis, Trap's company received orders to escort the Pelta-class frigate TB-73 to a medical station on Ord Cestus. The frigate was under the command of Jedi Commanders Ahsoka Tano and Barriss Offee. Unbeknownst to them, a clone trooper named Scythe had been infected with a Geonosian brain worm and had secretly smuggled a clutch of eggs onto the starship.

Havoc and Trap entered the cafeteria of the frigate, where Offee and Tano had just finished battling two infected clones. When the Jedi assumed a defensive posture, Trap tried to calm the situation, pretending to be unaware of his soldiers' actions. He then went with the Padawans as they attempted to take back control of the ship.

Before Lieutenant Trap could infect Jedi Commander Barriss Offee, she killed him.

Upon arrival at their destination, the doors were sealed. Taking advantage of their distraction with the doors, Trap launched an attack, revealing his infection when the brain worm emerged from his mouth to infect Offee. During the ensuing fight, Offee used her lightsaber to kill Trap, thus preventing the lieutenant from infecting her with the parasite.


Trap's Phase I clone trooper armor featured blue markings consistent with his unit's designation. He was armed with a DC-15A blaster carbine.

