Edge was a clone trooper who fought in the Clone Wars as part of the Grand Army of the Republic, specifically within Tango Company.
Jedi Commanders Ahsoka Tano and Barriss Offee were in command when Tango Company received orders to escort a medical frigate to a medical station located on Ord Cestus. A trooper in Tango Company, named Scythe, unknowingly carried Geonosian brain worm eggs onto the ship after becoming infected. The infection rapidly spread, and Edge noticed the unusual behavior of his fellow troopers. Unfortunately, he was infected as well, but not before realizing he was the last uninfected clone on board. The infected clones then targeted Tano and Offee, ultimately infecting Offee before Tano was able to save them.
Edge was armed with both a DC-15A blaster carbine and a DC-15A blaster rifle. His helmet was marked with blue markings on the arms and displayed the tiger's face logo of Tango Company. He also had a tattoo of the Aurebesh letter Senth positioned over his left eyebrow.
Edge's debut was in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars episode titled "Brain Invaders." Dee Bradley Baker provided the voice for Edge, as he did for all clone troopers in the series. The head model used for Edge is the same as that of clone trooper Sketch, which explains why they both have the same Senth tattoo above their eyebrow.