"Verge of Greatness" is a brief narrative included within the From a Certain Point of View collection. Penned by Pablo Hidalgo, the story centers its perspective on Wilhuff Tarkin and Orson Krennic. Segments of dialogue are incorporated from the Star Wars radio drama of 1981.
Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin reflects upon the immense power held within the Death Star and the competitive nature of his relationship with Director Orson Krennic. This occurs as he issues the command for the Death Star to obliterate the Imperial security complex located on the planet Scarif, amidst the unfolding Battle of Scarif. Tarkin views Krennic as merely a construction worker, taking pride in a small part of a larger structure built at the king's command. To prevent the rebels from absconding with the Death Star plans, Tarkin had given the order to destroy the Imperial security complex.
Subsequently, the narrative jumps to a scene where Tarkin is in a meeting with General Cassio Tagge, Admiral Conan Antonio Motti, and Darth Vader on the Death Star's Overbridge. Vader informs the group that Princess Leia Organa is resisting the mind probe, while Motti declares that the Death Star has reached full operational status. Tarkin posits that Leia might respond to a more "persuasive" method and instructs Motti to set a course for the planet Alderaan.
Later, Admiral Motti visits Tarkin, stating that the Death Star grants him authority over life and death for every living being in the galaxy. Tarkin reminds Motti of their subservience to the Emperor, rejecting Motti's notion that Tarkin could utilize the Death Star to gain influence over the Emperor. Afterward, Tarkin confronts Leia, who remains unyielding. Tarkin breaks Leia's spirit by revealing that the Death Star will annihilate her home planet, Alderaan. Tarkin then observes as the superweapon eradicates the planet, resulting in the loss of countless lives.
The story then transitions back to Orson Krennic's final moments, as he lies dying on the Citadel Tower during the Battle of Scarif. As he succumbs to his injuries, Krennic witnesses the Death Star moving into orbit above Scarif, ready to deploy its superlaser. Now that the rebels have stolen the plans, Krennic considers searching the technical readouts for the flaw that Galen Erso had implanted in its design. Krennic laments that he, an engineer, was outmaneuvered by Tarkin, the politician acting as an architect. Despite his defeat, Krennic finds solace in the thought that Galen's flaw will be the downfall of Grand Moff Tarkin.