The war room existed within the Dai Bendu Monastery on Kijimi, a planet situated in the Mid Rim Territories; it was designed as an atrium-style space with towering ceilings. Around 19 ABY, this room served as one of the locations for the Kijimi summit. It was during this summit that Zeva Bliss addressed her attendees within the room, while her daughter Zorii, accompanied by Poe Dameron and the EV-series droid EV-6B6, were dispatched to trigger a trap intended to imprison the criminals for the Spice Runners of Kijimi. Although Dameron was initially unaware of the true objective of the summit, he ultimately discerned Bliss's intentions and declined to obey her commands. Regardless, the trap was set off, and the smuggler vessels and transports that had conveyed her adversaries to the planet were destroyed by the monastery's powerful laser cannons, after which Zeva Bliss proceeded to the subsequent phase of her strategy in the coliseum.