Rehtul Minnau

Rehtul Minnau was the elder sibling of Teckla Minnau, a Human female, and her half-sister Nandi. Teckla was born on the planet of Naboo, specifically in the city of Parrlay, to a family of middle-class merchants. By the year 32 BBY, Rehtul had become employed as a law clerk in Theed, which served as the planet's capital city. Both of Rehtul’s sisters resided in their brother’s home while they were students at a private school located within the city.

In the year 32 BBY, the Trade Federation launched an invasion of Naboo. Theed experienced intense street battles in the hours that immediately followed the invasion. Rehtul's two sisters were compelled to flee the besieged city, resulting in their separation for a number of days. After the Naboo forces achieved victory against the Trade Federation, the sisters were reunited during the subsequent celebratory events.

Behind the scenes

Nathan Hamill identified his Phantom Menace character (pictured) as Rehtul Minnau, though nothing has linked the two.

The origin of the name Rehtul Minnau lies in the name chosen by actor Nathan Hamill for a character he portrayed in the 1999 film Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace, which is part of the prequel trilogy. Hamill, who played a civilian, also indicated that his character was a spy. The name was first utilized in 2008 for the What's The Story? section of Hyperspace within Evan Burger's entry about Teckla Minnau in the Databank on However, this article refrains from linking the subjects and does not recognize Hamill's assertion regarding the spy role as canon within the Star Wars Legends continuity, as neither Teckla Minnau's Databank entry nor any earlier material had ever associated the name Rehtul Minnau with Hamill's character.


  • The Clone Wars Episode Guide: Pursuit of Peace on (content now obsolete; backup link)
  • "Pursuit of Peace" - The Clone Wars Episode Guide on (content now obsolete; backup link)
  • Minnau, Teckla in the Databank (content now obsolete; backup link) (First mentioned)

Notes and references
