Nandi was a Human female employed at House Naberrie's vacation home, named Varykino. This residence was situated in the Lake Country of Naboo, and her employment spanned the years just before the outbreak of the Clone Wars.

Nandi, along with her half-sister Teckla Minnau, entered the world in the city known as Parrlay on the planet Naboo. Their parents were a middle-class merchant family. Subsequently, the sisters resided in the capital of Theed with their older brother, Rehtul Minnau. There, both girls were students at a private school where they studied subjects such as etiquette, the art of hospitality, history, and various artistic disciplines. When the Trade Federation invaded Naboo in 32 BBY, Nandi sought refuge in the swamps alongside Teckla and several members of the Royal Naboo Security Forces. However, the escalating conflict led to her separation from her sister, only to be reunited at the Celebration Parade. Following this, Nandi and Teckla completed their education and began working as servants for Senator Padmé Amidala at Varykino, the retreat of Amidala's family.

During 22 BBY, Amidala and Anakin Skywalker, her Jedi bodyguard, sought safety at Varykino following two unsuccessful assassination attempts on the Senator. Nandi and Teckla served them their meal, which included shuura fruit for dessert. As the day concluded, they bid farewell to the young couple, leaving them in solitude.
As the Clone Wars progressed, Nandi and Teckla were separated once more when Teckla departed for Coruscant to serve as one of Amidala's handmaidens. Later in the conflict, Nandi's sister met her end, assassinated by the bounty hunter Embo on the planet Scipio.
Unlike Teckla Minnau, Nandi's character is absent from Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones in its visual form. However, she does make an appearance in the film's script and its novelization.