Battle of Felucia (Outer Rim Sieges)

The Battle of Felucia represented the third significant clash for dominance of the planet Felucia during the Clone Wars, pitting the forces of the Galactic Republic against those of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. This battle, occurring near the war's conclusion, saw Jedi Master Aayla Secura leading the Republic's troops as they prepared to engage the Separatists. However, Palpatine issued the command to execute Order 66, causing the clones to betray Secura and ultimately kill her.


Republic forces during the First Battle of Felucia

Felucia, an Outer Rim world strategically positioned on a major hyperspace route, a central location for Nysillin production, and the headquarters for the Commerce Guild, became a fiercely contested planet during the Clone Wars as both the Confederacy of Independent Systems and the Galactic Republic sought control. Early in the conflict, the Confederacy launched an assault on Felucia, successfully seizing the planet from the forces led by Jedi Generals Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, and Jedi Commander Ahsoka Tano, and establishing an orbital blockade. General Plo Koon managed to break through the enemy starships and successfully evacuate the Jedi and their [clone troopers](/article/clone_trooper], but the planet nonetheless fell into Separatist hands. This loss significantly hindered the Republic's operations within the entire Thanium sector.

At a later point, the Republic managed to establish Medical Station HCTFF2 in orbit above Felucia, but this Haven medical station came under attack from a Separatist fleet and was destroyed. When Skywalker, Tano, and Kenobi were dispatched to investigate, they encountered an ambush in the form of a waiting automated vulture droid deployment station, which released numerous vulture droids that downed their T-6 shuttle. After crash-landing on Felucia, the Jedi found themselves caught in a conflict involving the Ohnaka Gang and a group of Felucian farmers. Subsequently, Skywalker, Koon, Tano, and their clones were once again sent to Felucia, this time with the mission of capturing Separatist-held territories on the planet. Upon learning of the Republic's intention to eliminate TZ-33's outpost, General Grievous attempted to solidify his control over the Felucia system by deploying reinforcements; however, the Second Battle of Felucia concluded with a Republic victory through the destruction of the Confederate outpost.

As the war neared its end, Felucia remained the site of a Separatist stronghold, despite the Republic's earlier triumph. The Commerce Guild deliberately poisoned Felucia's waters in an attempt to render the planet useless to the Republic.

The battle

Separatist AATs and homing spider droids during the battle

During the Outer Rim Sieges, Jedi General Aayla Secura, Clone Marshal Commander Bly, and the troopers of the 327th Star Corps were dispatched to Felucia with the objectives of capturing Shu Mai, the Presidente of the Commerce Guild and a member of the Separatist Council, rescuing Ormo Hyn, and halting the spread of the poison. The subsequent engagement became the third major battle of the war fought on Felucia. Early on, Secura piloted her Eta-2 Actis-class light interceptor in pursuit of a HMP droid gunship. At another point in time, Secura and her troops stood together before engaging an enemy target. Additionally, at some point in the battle, two clones were seen fighting side-by-side.

Felucia was identified as a key target by the Republic, one that needed to be wrested from CIS control. In the days following the Battle of Coruscant, Jedi General Stass Allie received orders to lead reinforcements to Felucia. However, before reaching Felucia but after departing from the capital of Coruscant, she was rerouted to the planet Saleucami, which had recently fallen to Republic forces under the command of Jedi Generals Quinlan Vos and Oppo Rancisis.

An AT-OT and AT-TE on Felucia.

Later on, Secura and the 327th advanced through the dense undergrowth, searching for Confederate forces. By that time, Mai had already departed from Felucia and was with other members of the Separatist Council on Mustafar, having been moved from their base on Utapau. Eventually, Secura and her troopers located enemy units assembled in a clearing directly ahead of them. However, as the OG-9 homing spider droids and Armored Assault Tanks advanced, Bly received Order 66 from Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine. Compelled to obey the Chancellor's command due to their inhibitor chips, Bly, Clone Lieutenant Galle, and the other clones acted on its directive, shooting Secura in the back before she could react. Secura was killed by the barrage of fire from the clones surrounding her, before any full-scale combat could begin.


Ultimately, the Battle of Felucia resulted in a Republic victory, while the war itself concluded with the shutdown of the entire droid army from Mustafar, securing a win for the Republic's newly established successor state, the Galactic Empire. The Empire established an Imperial garrison on Felucia following the fighting, but the planet was left devastated. Consequently, Moff [Wilhuff Tarkin](/article/wilhuff_tarkin] considered it as a potential target for Berch Teller's rebel cell, but the Sith Lord Darth Vader disagreed.

Behind the scenes

The Battle of Felucia was initially depicted in Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith. During the development of the film's narrative, before a script had been written, concept artist Derek Thompson initially proposed including several Padawans accompanying the clone troopers into battle and assisting them against the droids, but the idea was abandoned because the Padawans would inevitably have to die.

