A Clone Commander held the military rank of Clone Commander and served as the clone trooper officer for the 13th Battalion under the command of Jedi General Jaro Tapal during the Clone Wars. This Commander participated in Cal Kestis's training exercises with Tapal on the Venator-class Star Destroyer Albedo Brave, and was present when they were given their subsequent assignments. Upon receiving these new orders, Jedi Master Tapal sensed a disturbance in the Force, and simultaneously, the Clone Commander received Order 66 from Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine. The Commander immediately aimed his blaster at Tapal; however, the Jedi reacted swiftly, killing him with a strike to the chest before he could fire.
This clone, created on the planet Kamino using the DNA of Jango Fett (a bounty hunter whose genetic code served as the template for the entire clone trooper army), functioned as a Clone Commander within the Grand Army of the Republic as the Clone Wars between the Galactic Republic and the Separatist Alliance drew to a close. He was the commanding officer of the 13th Battalion, which was under the leadership of Jedi General Jaro Tapal and his Padawan, Jedi Commander Cal Kestis.
Shortly before the Clone Wars concluded, the Jedi, the Clone Commander, and their fellow soldiers participated in the Bracca Invasion. Following the securing of Bracca, they were stationed on the Albedo Brave. During this time, Tapal provided Jedi training to Kestis. One particular exercise involved the Clone Commander firing his DC-15A blaster carbine at Kestis, who was tasked with deflecting the non-lethal blaster bolts. The Commander intentionally varied the timing to surprise Kestis. After Kestis completed the exercise, he joined Tapal and the Commander on the training room's observation platform, where Tapal informed Kestis that they would be redeployed to Mygeeto to take part in the battle there.
At that precise moment, Tapal perceived a [disturbance in the Force](/article/disturbance_in_the_force] as Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine of the Republic, secretly the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Sidious, issued Order 66. This order turned the clone troopers against the Jedi Order, which was now deemed treasonous. The Clone Commander received Palpatine's transmission via his holoprojector, triggering his inhibitor chip. This caused him to perceive the two Jedi before him as traitors deserving of execution. Acknowledging the order, the Commander raised his blaster to target Tapal. Reacting instantly, Tapal deflected the blaster bolt and delivered two fatal strikes across the Commander's chest, killing him. Kestis, confused by the sudden turn of events, questioned why the Commander had attempted to kill him. Tapal responded that there was no time for explanations and instructed Kestis on how to escape, marking the beginning of a skirmish aboard the Star Destroyer.
Being a clone derived from Jango Fett, the Clone Commander was a human with a height of 1.83 meters. The Commander displayed a sense of humor by taking advantage of opportunities to catch Cal Kestis off guard during training exercises. Upon the activation of Order 66, the Clone Commander followed the command without hesitation.
As a clone trooper officer, the Clone Commander received extensive training in both combat and leadership.
The commander was equipped with standard Phase II clone trooper armor, displaying markings consistent with the military unit commanded by Jedi General Chiata. Despite his rank as an officer, the Clone Commander chose not to personalize his armor, maintaining the appearance of a typical clone trooper. His primary weapon was a DC-15A blaster carbine.