Chiata was a Jedi Master of the female persuasion. She dedicated her service to the Jedi Order throughout the duration of the Clone Wars, and was the instructor of the Padawan known as Marseph. In a battle against a Separatist dreadnought, the Venator-class Star Destroyer commanded by Chiata experienced a crash landing on the surface of the planet called Zeffo. While both Chiata and Marseph lived through the crash, along with several members of their company, they became separated from each other. Chiata was discovered by her clone commander, but at that exact moment, Order 66 was initiated, leading her to defend herself by killing him. She was then set upon by additional clone troopers. Although she and Marseph found each other again and briefly fought back, Chiata suffered mortal wounds, ultimately dying as a result. Marseph subsequently gave her a burial amidst the debris before succumbing to his own injuries.