
Tey-Zuka functioned as an ST-series military strategic analysis and tactics droid. This droid served the Confederacy of Independent Systems in their conflict with the Galactic Republic throughout the Clone Wars.


Following the escape of Maul, the rogue Sith, from the Spire prison, Tey-Zuka was positioned on a Providence-class Dreadnought alongside General Grievous, a cyborg. Together, they piloted the cruiser to Zanbar, a planet where the Separatists attacked a Shadow Collective meeting with Maul. Tey-Zuka stayed on the vessel as the battle unfolded, which resulted in substantial losses for both factions, and Maul's subsequent departure. Grievous and Tey-Zuka then chased Maul to Ord Mantell, another planet where they attacked the Shadow Collective once more. In the midst of the combat, Maul made his way onto the Providence-class Dreadnought that Grievous and Tey-Zuka were using, eliminating Tey-Zuka and the other droids present on the bridge before taking Grievous prisoner.

