The Raxus extraction unfolded as a mission assigned to the former clone commandos of the Bad Batch shortly after the Galactic Empire's formation. Their objective was the rescue of Avi Singh, a one-time senator representing the Confederacy of Independent Systems, from Imperial captivity on Raxus Secundus. This came about after Singh resisted endorsing the Imperial occupation to his constituents. Following his master's directives, Singh's protocol droid, GS-8, made contact with Ciddarin Scaleback, an information broker, who in turn dispatched the Bad Batch. Some members of the group felt uneasy about the assignment due to their prior service as soldiers within the Galactic Republic. Despite these reservations, the team successfully infiltrated Singh's residence located in Raxulon, and extricated him from the grasp of Captain Bragg and her clone stormtroopers. Post-rescue, Singh displayed some reluctance to depart Raxus, but was convinced that he could better serve his people by remaining free from Imperial control, thus allowing the Batch to transport him to Ord Mantell.

The Clone Wars represented a three-year armed struggle between the Galactic Republic and the dissenting Confederacy of Independent Systems. In 19 BBY, the conflict reached an abrupt conclusion when Sheev Palpatine, the Republic's Supreme Chancellor, revealed his true identity as a Dark Lord of the Sith. He orchestrated the execution of the Jedi, who had been leading the Grand Army of the Republic, by their own clone troopers through the implementation of Order 66. This secret command activated mind-controlling inhibitor chips that had been implanted in the clones. Palpatine, also known as Darth Sidious, secretly manipulated the Separatists. Having served their purpose, he dispatched Darth Vader, his new Sith apprentice, to kill the Executive Separatist Council and deactivate the Separatist Droid Army. With the Republic's reorganization into the Galactic Empire, Palpatine successfully achieved his ambition to govern the galaxy.
With the deaths of their military commander General Grievous and Head of State Count Dooku, the remaining Separatist leadership consisted of the members of the Separatist Senate, headquartered on Raxus Secundus, the Confederacy's capital planet, which had become a battleground during the war. An Imperial occupation force, led by Captain [Bragg](/article/bragg], was dispatched to the planet to enforce the new regime's authority. Numerous Separatist Senators were apprehended for their refusal to cooperate, and Bragg coerced Raxus' representative, Senator Avi Singh, into yielding to the Empire's demands. She arranged a public address in front of the Separatist Senate Building where Singh was expected to deliver a speech expressing his allegiance. However, Singh, deeply committed to his people, found himself unable to comply and instead chose to denounce the Empire. Consequently, Bragg had Singh arrested, but he had anticipated this outcome. Following pre-arranged instructions, Singh's protocol droid GS-8 contacted Ciddarin Scaleback, an information broker, to enlist mercenaries for a rescue operation.

Not long after the war's conclusion, Scaleback, who also served as an informant for the Jedi, encountered Clone Force 99. This former clone commando squad had defected from the Empire just days after its inception, as they were among the few clones immune to the effects of their inhibitor chips. In the aftermath, the "Bad Batch" found themselves working as mercenaries for Scaleback, quickly accumulating a significant debt due to a failed attempt to retrieve the head of a tactical droid on Corellia, along with various expenses incurred during several missions.
Upon the squad's return to Ord Mantell following an incident involving bounty hunters attempting to abduct Omega, a young clone who had joined the Batch during their escape from Kamino, Scaleback informed them of the job on Raxus. They hesitated due to the anticipated heavy Imperial presence on Raxus. Echo in particular harbored a strong dislike for the Separatists stemming from a negative experience as a prisoner of the Techno Union. However, Scaleback used their debt as leverage to compel them to accept the mission, providing Hunter with a data disk containing the relevant intel. Concerned about exposing Omega to danger due to the bounty hunters pursuing her, Hunter instructed her to remain with Scaleback and stay inside the parlor, with Scaleback promising to look after her due to the credits at stake, although Omega was very upset. En route to Raxus, the squad discussed the mission. Echo remained strongly opposed. Hunter felt uneasy due to his past experience fighting against the Separatists, but accepted the task. Tech and Wrecker were less concerned with the political implications.
As the Marauder approached Raxus, the shuttle was intercepted by two V-wing starfighters, who informed them that the airspace above the city of Raxulon was restricted. However, the clearance codes provided by Singh and GS-8 allowed the Batch and their starship to proceed, with the pilots welcoming them to Raxus. The Marauder landed in a forested area outside the city, at coordinates provided for a meeting with their employer. The commandos were surprised to find GS-8, who introduced herself and explained that they were there to rescue her master. She led the squad into the city.

Upon arrival at Singh's residence, where the senator was being held, Tech identified the surveillance system and the patrolling clones both inside and outside. Echo suspected a trap, but GS-8 assured him that such a thing was against her programming. Hunter instructed Echo and Wrecker to remain composed and stated that they needed to disable the compound's security system. They approached the building stealthily, avoiding a camera, and Hunter ambushed a clone guard from behind, knocking him unconscious. After Tech pointed out two guards at a door, Hunter pushed GS-8 into view to create a diversion, despite the droid's protest that she lacked military skills. When the guards noticed her, one exclaimed that it was a restricted area, and GS-8 responded by asking who he was addressing, as it was her master's residence, and suggested that he leave immediately. GS-8 retreated as the two troopers pursued her, but they were quickly subdued by the Batch.
The group entered the compound through a gate unlocked by GS-8. Sneaking through a passage, they approached a door, avoiding another guard patrol. Tech swiftly hacked into the security system through the door controls and opened the door after confirming his success. Hunter ordered Echo and Wrecker to clear the upper levels while he and Tech took the ground floor, instructing GS-8 to stay with him. The Batch used stun blasts to incapacitate the "reg" clones on guard duty inside the house. Hunter and Tech approached a door guarded by two troopers, with Tech detecting four more in the adjacent corridor. Hunter stated that he would handle them and instructed Tech to loop around with Omega, but Tech reminded him that she was not on the mission. Deciding she was getting the hang of this kind of thing, GS-8 ventured into the hallway despite Hunter and Tech's whispered protests, telling the guards she was lost and asking them to direct her to the nearest egress. The clones aimed their blasters at her, but Hunter and Tech rolled an Electro Magnetic Pulse grenade along the floor, using it to incapacitate the enemy troopers by shorting out their armor systems.
As Hunter approached the cellar door, it opened to reveal another trooper, whom Hunter attacked before he could fire. Hunter slammed the other clone's head into a display stand, breaking a vase, before slamming him into the wall and letting go. The unconscious trooper fell into another plinth before falling to the floor, knocking loose another vase which GS-8 caught before it could hit the floor. Asking the commandos to be careful, GS-8 said the vase had been gifted to Singh for his years of service and was highly valuable, leading Hunter to make a sarcastic remark before they continued on.
Singh was being held in the cellar, where Bragg lectured him about disobeying the Empire while helping herself to his wine. The captain had an interrogator droid brought in, escorted by two clones, as she talked, and Singh remarked that her draconian tactics would not work on him. However, before the droid could be used on the senator, a smoke bomb was tossed down the stairs. As the smoke filled the room, Bragg and the two troopers were quickly stunned, although the captain managed to activate her comlink before she was knocked unconscious. The interrogation droid was also shot before Hunter, Tech and GS-8 emerged from the smoke. Tech removed the senator's binders while GS-8 assured him that she had saved his precious vase, leading Hunter to interrupt her to point out that they needed to leave. Checking his datapad, Tech reported that an alert had been triggered, with Imperial reinforcements, including several All Terrain Tactical Enforcers, rushing to the scene. The group rushed out of the cellar.

Rejoining Echo and Wrecker, the Batch and their clients made their way to a tower at the top of the compound. Assessing the situation, Hunter decided that they would seize control of one of the AT-TEs. Wrecker fired a line onto the tank near its main cannon, and the gunner only had enough time to react in surprise before he was stunned by Tech, who was sliding down the line. Joined by Echo, Tech opened the hatch above the driver's compartment and stunned him, before dropping in two more EMP grenades to knock out the troopers inside. The two then opened up the tank's main hatch. GS-8 was impressed, but as Singh was expressing hesitation over boarding the vehicle, Wrecker grabbed him and slid down the line to enter the tank, dropping him inside. Hunter followed with GS-8, who had retrieved the senator's hat.
As Tech got the AT-TE moving, Wrecker tossed out the unconscious clones with a remark that they would feel the aftereffects of their encounter with the Batch in the morning. Bragg, who had recovered from her stunning, saw the hijacked vehicle lurching away from the tower and gave orders for it to be pinned down. An Imperial tank located and fired upon the Batch's vehicle, knocking out the rear axle stabilizer and immobilizing it. Tech, reporting the damage, said it would have to be recalibrated manually, and Hunter ordered him to get on it while he and Wrecker held off Imperial troops. The Batch exited the tank, Tech and Echo working on repairs while Hunter and Wrecker charged at the enemy tank. A squad of Imperial clones approached while the two ran under the AT-TE's legs, but were quickly taken out by a barrage of stun shots as Hunter and Wrecker grabbed on to the enemy walker. Climbing up the front of the tank, Wrecker used his strength to push the main cannon off-target, leading the gunner's next shot to strike a building before he was stunned by Hunter. A trooper inside raised a hatch to see what was going on, but Wrecker grabbed the hatch and slammed it down to knock the clone unconscious before Hunter tossed him an EMP grenade, which he tossed into the tank. With the vehicle neutralized, Hunter and Wrecker were forced to flee when it was destroyed by mass-driver cannon fire from a third tank.

As more Imperial clones approached, backed up by a tank, Hunter and Wrecker took cover behind the downed vehicle while participating in a firefight. The third tank began climbing atop the downed AT-TE, and Hunter asked Tech how he was doing. Tech said he needed more time, but he and Echo were cornered by three troopers who ordered them to drop their weapons. Watching from inside the tank, Singh took the vase and threw it at one of the clones, which knocked him out and distracted the other two, giving Tech and Echo an opening to knock them out. Singh remarked to GS-8 that he had never much cared for the vase. Tech reported that the repairs were complete, and Hunter and Wrecker returned to the hijacked AT-TE as the third tank finished climbing over the remains of the second one. The Batch quickly re-boarded the tank as Tech began driving the damaged vehicle away from the scene. Singh instructed Tech to turn down an alleyway, and when Tech noted they would be caught in a chokepoint, the senator said they would have to trust him. At a nod from Hunter, Tech followed Singh's directions.
The gunner on the pursuing tank fired several shots which struck nearby buildings, before reporting that the hijacked AT-TE was turning into a dead end. As more walkers approached the scene, Singh instructed Tech to move their tank into position next to a wall, explaining there was an underground passage on the other side. After Tech had parked the tank as directed, Singh opened the hatch and asked the Batch to blast a hole through the wall. Wrecker eagerly planted an explosive, and they resealed the hatch briefly to shield themselves from the blast before exiting the tank into the tunnel. An approaching Imperial walker opened fire on the abandoned AT-TE as the group evacuated into the tunnel, Singh leading the way. Wrecker planted another bomb to seal the tunnel behind them. Imperial troopers inspected the walker and found it empty, with one reporting the discovery to Captain Bragg.
The group exited Raxulon and returned to the Marauder. However, as he was about to board the ship, Singh was hesitant to leave, not wishing to abandon his people. However, GS-8 and Echo, who had changed his mind about the senator, both reminded Singh that it was better to live to fight another day instead of being captured, and he agreed to leave the planet.

Upon the Batch's return to Ord Mantell with Singh and GS-8, they discovered a crowd at Cid's Parlor. Omega and Scaleback had discovered that the girl's natural strategic talents made her unbeatable at dejarik, and they had amassed a considerable sum through bets on her games. Hunter expressed concern about the attention Omega had attracted due to those pursuing her, but Scaleback informed him that the girl had earned enough to settle the Batch's debts. Omega explained that she had wanted to make herself useful. After Scaleback took Singh and his droid into her office to discuss payment, Hunter decided to put Omega's skills to the test and challenged her to a match, promising to not leave her behind again if she won. Omega continued to accompany the Batch on later missions, including delivering weapons to the Free Ryloth Movement on Ryloth's third moon.
When the squad was later tasked with carrying out a Rescue on Ryloth itself, Tech observed that the Imperial presence there was comparable to that on Raxus, despite Ryloth having been a part of the Republic.