GS-8 was a protocol droid of the RA-7 type (RA-7 protocol droid) in the service of Senator Avi Singh, who represented the Confederacy of Independent Systems on the planet of Raxus Secundus. When the Galactic Empire was formed, Imperial forces under the command of Captain Bragg occupied Raxus Secundus. After Singh was imprisoned for speaking out against the occupation, GS-8 fled and sent out a distress signal. This message was intercepted by Ciddarin Scaleback, an informant, who then dispatched the Bad Batch, a group of former clone commandos, to rendezvous with GS-8 outside Raxulon, the capital city. The Bad Batch infiltrated Singh's residence, successfully rescued him, and made their escape in an All Terrain Tactical Enforcer. Despite being pursued by Imperial troops, they were able to get back to their starship, the Marauder, and escape Raxus. GS-8 and Singh then traveled with the Bad Batch to Ord Mantell, where they encountered Scaleback, who demanded payment.
GS-8 made her debut in "Common Ground," which was the tenth episode of Star Wars: The Bad Batch. This episode was released on Disney+ on July 2, 2021. Sian Clifford provided the voice for her. There is a continuity error in the opening scene of the episode, where GS-8 is seen standing behind Captain Bragg, despite having previously escaped when Singh was taken into custody.