Unidentified Clone Commander (Zeffo)

This Clone Commander, affiliated with the Clone Commander rank, served within the military unit commanded by Jedi General Chiata and Jedi Commander Marseph. They were stationed on a Venator-class Star Destroyer. This commander, along with their troops, participated in a battle against a Separatist Alliance dreadnought. Although they succeeded in destroying the dreadnought, the Venator sustained significant damage. Upon exiting hyperspace, the vessel crashed onto the planet Zeffo. Having survived the crash, the commander and General Chiata initiated a search operation for additional survivors. However, Order 66 was then enacted, compelling all clones to betray and execute their Jedi officers. During the subsequent skirmish, Chiata, acting in self-defense, killed the Clone Commander.


Service to the Republic

The commander's corpse years after their death.

This clone, developed on the planet Kamino using the DNA of Jango Fett – a bounty hunter who served as the template for the clone trooper army – functioned as a Clone Commander within the Grand Army of the Republic nearing the conclusion of the Clone Wars. He was the commanding officer of the military division under the command of Jedi General Chiata and Jedi Commander Marseph.

In the period leading up to the end of the Clone Wars, the Jedi, the Clone [Commander](/article/commander], and their unit were based on a Venator-class Star Destroyer, engaging in a battle against a Separatist dreadnought. In this engagement, both the Separatist dreadnought and the Republic Star Destroyer suffered extensive damage. The Star Destroyer then initiated a jump to hyperspace, ultimately resulting in a crash landing on the planet Zeffo.

Order 66

Following the crash on Zeffo, the commander established squads to search for Marseph and other surviving clone troopers. Soon after, the commander received Order 66. During the subsequent skirmish on Zeffo, the commander met their end, killed by a lightsaber held by one of the Jedi. In 14 BBY, after Order 66's implementation, Cal Kestis, a Jedi Padawan survivor, encountered the bodies of the commander's unit. He retrieved transmissions from the commander before their death, along with a hologram recording. Cal eventually discovered the commander's body within the wreckage of the Venator's broken wing.

Skills and abilities

Being a clone trooper officer, the commander possessed combat training and directed their forces while following General Chiata's leadership.

Personality and traits

Despite facing unfavorable odds, the commander was not one to avoid conflict. They maintained a close, loyal relationship with Chiata, attempting to reassure them when they expressed concern for Marseph after the ship's crash.


Throughout their military service, the Clone Commander wore Phase II clone trooper armor, adorned with yellow markings similar to those found on the armor of clone troopers belonging to the 13th Battalion. Additionally, the trooper wore a pauldron in yellow and black on their left shoulder. A utility belt encircled the commander's waist.

