Mechno-arms represented cybernetic replacements for biological arms and hands that had been lost. The intention was to ensure the host's capabilities remained intact despite limb loss, enabling them to continue their activities. An added advantage was that these mechno-limbs provided significantly enhanced strength compared to the original organic parts. To allow users to maintain tactile sensation, mechno-arms incorporated an electrostatic fingertip system. Furthermore, they could be concealed beneath synthetic skin to achieve a more natural visual appearance.
Following the dismemberment of Anakin Skywalker's arm by Count Dooku in the course of the First Battle of Geonosis, a mechno-arm was surgically attached to the remaining portion. Similarly, after Darth Vader severed Luke Skywalker's hand during the Duel on Cloud City, he received a mechno-arm implant, which was then covered with synthetic skin to simulate a realistic look. However, by the year 34 ABY, this synthetic skin had been taken off, revealing the cybernetic limb beneath.