The term Poodoo functioned as a Huttese expletive.
Within the Huttese language, poodoo served as a curse word. Its translation in Basic is equivalent to "fodder."
The word could also signify "rubbish" or "balderdash," as exemplified by phrases like "the poodoo emanating from your mouth" or "that is a load of poodoo." It could also denote something of poor quality, such as "Acquire a new droid. This particular one is poodoo." Furthermore, it could be used to refer to someone or something that was disliked by an individual.
The expression "in deep poodoo" implied being in significant difficulty, while "beat the poodoo out of" signified inflicting a severe beating. The saying "Poodoo runs downhill" conveyed the notion of having to address a problem created by someone in a higher position. "Go poodoo" meant to decline or deteriorate, for example, "The water gone poodoo."
Back in 230 BBY, after Leox Gyasi's starship, the Vessel, became marooned at the Starlight Beacon, Koley Linn, his fellow pilot, quipped that Gyasi was stranded because his "poodoo ship" had malfunctioned, yet again.
In the year that followed, Zeen Mrala, while seeking a clue regarding the whereabouts of the missing Padawan, Lula Talisola, scrutinized a directory of unsolved cases that might offer insight. As she examined each entry, she dismissed the majority as "rubbish, trash, scam, poodoo, hoax, wannabe, hoax, trap…" Her attention was finally piqued by a message from a warlord stating, "I possess what the Mikkian desires."
Roughly twelve months later, an annoyed Sevran Tarkin voiced her displeasure concerning her uncle, Tragkul Tarkin, who continually referred to himself as the "Vanquisher of the Carrion Plateau Veermok," scornfully labeling it "Carrion karkin' Plateau Veermok Vanquisher poodoo!"
Around 33 BBY, during his search for details about the location of the purloined Hope of Glee Anselm, Jango Fett entered the office of a purveyor of information situated in Coruscant's Level 1313. Upon his entrance, he was confronted by a group of Anselmi seeking to prevent him from acquiring the artifact. As Fett prepared to eliminate them all with his wrist rocket, the information broker wisely sought refuge behind a pile of crates, murmuring, "Oh poodoo!"
While visiting the planet Kwenn in 33 BBY, Jedi Master Even Piell found amusement in inspecting the local graffiti. He pointed out to the artist, Hadaro, that the spelling of "poodoo" was incorrect. The Twi'lek responded sarcastically, asking if Piell was a professor, to which Piell replied humorously, "Not of poodoo." However, he realized that the Twi'lek was indeed referring to a real teacher by using the term "poodoo" in his graffiti.
In 32 BBY, the Dug podracer pilot Sebulba participated in the Boonta Eve Classic on Tatooine, but lost control of his podracer near the race's end, crashing into the ground. Trapped within his damaged cockpit, the Dug cursed, exclaiming an exasperated "poodoo!"
During 22 BBY, the Dug Seboca was entertaining Senator Bogg Tyrell as she piloted a speeder through the skylanes of the planet Coruscant. Their outing was disrupted when the Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi nearly collided with their vehicle while clinging to the assassin droid ASN-121, forcing Tyrell to swerve. Seboca then cursed at Kenobi in Huttese as the Jedi was carried away, calling him "Jedi poodoo!"
Also during that year, Ruug Quarnom observed her partner, Ketar Nor, releasing his anger by firing at a training battle droid. She verbally acknowledged his need to release his pent-up emotions through violence against the droid, describing the act as "beating the poodoo out of it."
A year later, Peppi Bow, a shaak herder, guided her herd to a riverbank on Naboo. Her animals began drinking from the river, but started honking and snorting in alarm before collapsing, dead. Alarmed, Bow realized the water was contaminated. While attempting to steer the remaining shaaks away from the river using her electropole, she remarked, "The water gone poodoo. This is mooie bad." However, it was too late. Although only six of the animals died immediately, almost every other shaak in her herd fell ill and eventually perished.
While on a quest to discover a cure for the Blue Shadow Virus, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker found reeksa root, the essential component, on the planet Iego. Upon spotting the carnivorous plant, Skywalker muttered, "Oh, poodoo."
Later that year, Brainee and a Weequay were engaged in a game of chance cubes with Greedo at Jabba's Palace. Following a bad roll of the dice, an irritated Greedo exclaimed, "Poodoo!"
In the year 20 BBY, a contingent of Kage Warriors boarded a hovertrain with the goal of seizing the cargo it was transporting. Dengar, one of the bounty hunters tasked with safeguarding the hovertrain, successfully repelled many of the attackers. However, he eventually succumbed to the overwhelming force of the assault and was thrown from the train, resulting in his frustrated exclamation of "Poodoo!"
Following an engagement with a megadroid on Golatha, Anakin Skywalker sought clarification from Grand Master Yoda regarding his earlier assertion that Skywalker was best positioned to halt the megadroid's rotation. Skywalker referred to this as "a big pile of poodoo," claiming that he thought Yoda's true intention was to encourage him to prove his worth. However, Yoda chose not to reveal the truth.
After Sylvestarr, a member of the Gatto Gang, was apprehended by IG-88 after losing their stolen spacesuit, they expressed their frustration by muttering, "Poodoo."
During his exile on Tatooine, Obi-Wan Kenobi used a Jedi mind trick to intervene in a dispute between Greedo and a Sullustan. As the two adversaries departed amicably to enjoy a drink at the Mos Eisley Cantina, a disgruntled Gabdorin observer voiced their discontent by saying, "Ah, poodoo."
Between 6 BBY and 5 BBY, during a grav-ball match between the East City Brawlers and the AppSci SaberCats, the Brawlers employed aggressive tactics that would typically be considered fouls, but were ignored by the referee. Following a forceful tackle from one of the East City fullbacks, SaberCat fullback Beck Ollet roared, "What was that poodoo?" at the player responsible. Later on, Janus Fhurek, the athletic director, told center striker Zare Leonis that their victory would be tainted if they defeated alien players. In response, Leonis dismissed this assertion as "a bunch of poodoo" when discussing it with his teammates.
During Han Solo's attempt to rescue the kidnapped Luke Skywalker from Doctor Aphra on Vrogas Vas, Aphra revealed her identity to him. Aware of her reputation, Solo muttered under his breath, "Ah, poodoo."
When Luke Skywalker attempted to use a mind trick on a Rodian, assuring the alien that he and his companion, Nakari Kelen, posed no threat, his attempt failed. The Rodian responded, "Poodoo if I don't." In a later conversation, Kelen revealed to Luke that the Emperor would punish Darth Vader whenever the Rebel Alliance succeeded in their endeavors. She used the phrase "poodoo runs downhill" as a metaphor for the concept of having to manage difficulties that arise from the actions of those in positions of greater power. Subsequently, after Skywalker accidentally spilled some broth on himself, Kelen reassured him, stating that she had previously seen him "covered in poodoo" and still thought highly of him.
In 3 ABY, Zuckuss and 4-Lom engaged in a brief dogfight with the bounty hunters Beilert Valance and Dengar in the Y'Toub system. Upon Dengar's revelation that Cadeliah, the bounty they were pursuing, was not aboard the combat frigate, Zuckuss remarked that if this were true, there would be no reason to spare Dengar and his "cyborg friend." However, Dengar promptly clarified that Valance, whom he referred to disparagingly as "that poodoo," was not his friend. He successfully negotiated a truce with 4-LOM and Zuckuss by providing them with valuable information regarding Boba Fett's location.
Later that year, Dengar was attacked by a zugorak on Jekara, at which point he uttered, "Oooh poodoo."
As Dengar was infiltrating the crew of the Edgehawk, Bossk, another bounty hunter, observed that he had already alienated half of the crew. He commented that had they been able to grasp "the poodoo coming out of your mouth," he would have likely alienated the entire crew. As a multitude of Crimson Dawn agents attempted to gun the crew down afterward, Tasu Leech commented in Jablogian that "this poodoo" made him miss the fighting pits.
In 5 ABY, the Quarren Palabar was recruited by the bounty hunter Jas Emari for Han Solo and Chewbacca's campaign to liberate the Wookiee homeworld of Kashyyyk from the Empire. During the attack on Camp Sardo, Palabar devised a plan to ascend the wroshyr trees by anchoring massive eyebolts into the wood with pneumo-hammers. This allowed Solo and his team to take up position so that they could destroy the camp's deflector shield generator. Emari mused that the Quarren was "utter poodoo in a fight," as even the slightest hint of danger caused him to shrink back in fear and seek solace in prayer. Nevertheless, she recognized his technological proficiency and his cleverness when he was able to overcome his fear.
When the remains of IG-11 were delivered to Anzellan droidsmiths for repair, they encountered a significant problem, as they could not restore him without a functioning memory bank. They suggested purchasing a new droid, with one of them adding, "This one poodoo."
The Secrets of the Bounty Hunters was a book penned by the pirate Hondo Ohnaka sometime following the Battle of Mos Espa, focusing on the bounty hunters of the galaxy. In a chapter titled "Conclusion," Ohnaka stated that he could say with almost absolute certainty, "We are in deep, deep poodoo."
As Jod Na Nawood guided a group of younglings from At Attin through the bazaar on Borgo Prime, a fight erupted between two humans, with one of them vehemently calling the other "poodoo!"
While an older Han Solo recounted his experiences of the Cyrkon Extraction from his younger years to the mercenary Strater, the latter remained unconvinced, dismissing the story as the "biggest load of poodoo" he had ever encountered.
A prevalent misconception exists that "poodoo" refers to feces, even though the word is actually Huttese for "fodder." Despite this, the use of the term is similar to the real-world impolite word "shit," especially when used in the phrases "beat the poodoo out of," which is similar to the real-world idiom "beat the shit out of;" "in deep poodoo," which is similar to "in deep shit;" "poodoo runs downhill," which is similar to the proverb "shit rolls downhill;" and "go poodoo," which is similar to the real-world phrase "go to shit."
In the subtitles for The Mandalorian episode "Chapter 19: The Convert," one of the former Imperial officers speaking to their comrades at the Amnesty Housing says "Ugh. Poodoo. We don't get promoted." However, in the actual audio, they merely say "Ugh. We don't get promoted."