Strater, a human male mercenary in the employ of Gannis Ducain, was a bald individual distinguished by a tattoo depicting a Twi'lek on his forehead. Accompanied by two associates, Strater ventured to the establishment known as Serendipity with the intention of locating the Millennium Falcon, the vessel belonging to the infamous Han Solo. The trio engaged in a debate concerning the crucial attribute of a ship, pondering whether speed or maneuverability held greater significance. Subsequently, an elderly gentleman approached and asserted that the most vital aspect of a ship was its pilot, proceeding to recount a genuine story centered around the Millennium Falcon.
Following the conclusion of the old man's tale, they came to the understanding that he was, in fact, Han Solo himself, prompting them to attempt to apprehend him and return the ship to Ducain. Nevertheless, they overlooked the presence of Solo's Wookiee companion, Chewbacca, as well as the proprietor of the bar, Delia Leighton, ultimately leading to their defeat at the hands of the three individuals.