
Kwenn, a planet, could be found in both the Mid Rim and the Slice regions. Orbiting above it was the Kwenn Space Station. During the era known as the High Republic Era, the Jedi Order intervened to prevent destruction, and as a key element of the Grand Renewal, the Gem Cities of Kwenn were transformed into a beautiful island paradise.


Kwenn was once abundant with valuable gemstones. In their quest to extract these precious minerals, mining corporations destroyed significant portions of the planet, including mountains and plains, and even altered the locations of oceans. Due to the extensive mining operations, the planet's manufacturing hubs became surrounded by enormous, artificial mountains composed of tailings, slag, and waste materials. During the High Republic Era, these artificial mountains were reshaped and repurposed into artificial islands, becoming known as the Gem Cities of Kwenn as a key part of the Grand Renewal. Furthermore, the planet's oceans and atmosphere underwent purification processes as part of the Grand Renewal initiative.

Following the transformative Great Renewal, the elevated terrains of the Gem Cities were encircled by inhabited terraces, while the lower-lying keys were repurposed as expansive parklands. Bridges were constructed to connect the artificial straits that separated the Gem Cities. The planet's infrastructure, including spaceports and cities, was re-engineered to prioritize the preservation of the restored natural environment. A Kwenn Jedi outpost was also established on the planet, strategically positioned on a promontory called Sanctuary Mount, overlooking the mound city of Capital Key. The planet was dotted with numerous mound cities, with Capital Key standing as the tallest among them.


Mining exploitation

Before the High Republic Era, Kwenn was heavily exploited by mining corporations due to its surface being rich in precious gemstones. These companies engaged in activities such as leveling mountains, tearing up plains, and relocating oceans. These mining activities resulted in the accumulation of vast quantities of tailings and slag around the planet's manufacturing centers. After depleting Kwenn's resources, the mining companies abandoned the planet. The mining operations and pollution significantly disrupted the planet's climate and natural environment, leading to the flooding of low-lying areas with toxic chemicals.

High Republic Era

During the High Republic Era, Jedi Master Oppo Rancisis spearheaded a significant initiative known as the Grand Renewal with the aim of rescuing Kwenn's remaining population and revitalizing its natural environment. The Jedi Order collaborated with responsible Galactic Republic financiers to find solutions. During the Great Renewal, massive machines were deployed to purify the seas and skies, while the mountains of waste were decontaminated and transformed into clusters of artificial islands, which became known as the Gem Cities of Kwenn. The economy and technologies, including spaceports and transportation systems, were re-engineered to prioritize the protection of the planet's environment. To minimize pollution and overcrowding, the use of airspeeders was restricted to only a few centimeters above the ground.

The Grand Renewal of Kwenn was recognized as one of the Great Works of the High Republic era. While Master Rancisis believed that Kwenn had received a disproportionate amount of attention compared to other worlds, he considered the Grand Renewal to be a success story for both the Jedi and the corporate sector. The Jedi also established an outpost called Sanctuary Mount, which remained operational for the subsequent 200 years until 33 BBY.

Mission to Kwenn

In 33 BBY, the Jedi High Council planned to host a celebration on Kwenn to commemorate the bicentennial of the Grand Renewal. This celebration was intended to precede the final decision regarding the decommissioning of the Kwenn Jedi outpost. The Jedi outpost was overseen by Seneschal Voh, who secretly pilfered documents and materials from the outpost's library and sold them to Senator Palpatine.

By 33 BBY, Kwenn was facing socio-economic difficulties, which had arisen due to the departure of several companies from the planet and other worlds along the Ootmian Pabol route. This socio-economic hardship provided an opportunity for various criminal gangs, including the Riftwalkers, Staved Skulls, Poisoned Blades, the Filthy Credits, and the Vile, to expand their operations on Kwenn and other worlds within the Slice. Additionally, Kwenn's schools were experiencing high rates of absenteeism. The Kwikhaul Livery Corporation also replaced its human workforce of drivers with droids, leading to unemployment and social unrest. Pollution also began to reappear on Kwenn, and the poaching of teal oroko eggs was occurring.

Leading up to the bicentennial celebration on Kwenn, eleven members of the Jedi Council (Jedi Masters Mace Windu, Yoda, Yaddle, Plo Koon, Oppo Rancisis, Yarael Poof, Eeth Koth, Even Piell, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Adi Gallia, and Saesee Tiin) visited Kwenn to assist the local population in addressing their various challenges. The Jedi Masters also launched a public relations campaign, utilizing the Remember Kwenn current affairs program, to promote the bicentennial celebration. This campaign caught the attention of Zilastra, the leader of the Riftwalkers, who harbored resentment towards the Jedi after Master Sifo-Dyas abandoned her at an orphanage, leading her into a life of crime. After assassinating the leaders of the Staved Skulls, Poisoned Blades, Filthy Credits, and the Vile using bomb-rigged Regal Voyager cases, Zilastra persuaded the surviving gang members to unite under her leadership and launch an attack on the Jedi bicentennial celebration.

Although the undercover Jedi Master Depa Billaba, who had infiltrated the Riftwalkers, was captured, she managed to establish a bond with a young member of the Riftwalkers named Kylah Lohmata. Kylah informed the Jedi Order and Judicial Forces about the location of the Riftwalker Compound on Keldooine. While the Jedi successfully rescued Billaba with the assistance of Captain Pell Baylo, the Riftwalkers managed to escape with Kylah as their captive. Billaba shared Zilastra's plan with the Jedi Council. The Council decided to proceed with the celebration but made preparations to counter the pirates' plans with the cooperation of local authorities and the population.

Zilastra attempted to use her last remaining suitcase to detonate a bomb at the Gala Key Arena, where the celebration was being held. However, the Jedi discovered the bomb and relocated it to their outpost. As the bomb was designed to detonate when the phrase "The Jedi stand with you" was spoken, Master Yoda altered the wording of the sentence. Inisa, a disgruntled member of the Poisoned Blades, also alerted the Jedi and Kwenn authorities to the crime syndicates' scheme to undermine the planetary defenses by poisoning the crew of the Kwenn Space Station and exposing the police to paralytic gas. Acting on Inisa's information, the authorities and Jedi were able to thwart these preemptive attacks, enabling them to respond effectively to the combined pirates' space, air, and land assaults.

With the civilian population safely sheltered indoors, Masters Koth and Piell engaged in combat with several insurgents from the Tasty Comet Frozen Confection Company, a front company for the Filthy Credits. Numerous pirate airspeeders were brought down by a storm and Tiin's borrowed ARC-8 starfighter. Master Rancisis and a pod of oroko neutralized the pirates' luxury cruiser Pelagic, which served as their ground command center. In space, Captain Baylo's CR56 corvette Assurance and the Kwenn Space Station engaged in battle with a pirate armada led by Zilastra's flagship Randomizer. Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi infiltrated the Randomizer and seized control of the ship with the help of the "would-be" pirates Lobber, Ghor, and Wungo.

With her forces defeated on land, in the air, and in space, Zilastra and Burlug traveled with an unwilling Kylah to the Kwenn Jedi outpost using a skiff. Master Billaba managed to rescue Kylah but was unable to prevent Zilastra from detonating the suitcase bomb, which resulted in the destruction of the Jedi outpost. Billaba and Kylah escaped using an improvised cart and were rescued by Windu and Kenobi. Burlug fell to his death, but Zilastra survived the fall into the ocean. Zilastra was subsequently apprehended by the Jedi and imprisoned at the Republic Judicial Regional Detention Center in Capital Key.

Following the defeat of the pirate insurrection, the Jedi decided to replace the Kwenn Jedi outpost with a memorial to remind the local population of their connection with the Jedi. The Jedi departed on amicable terms with the local population, having restored law and order and social cohesion.

Behind the scenes

The planet Kwenn was first referenced in the Legends RPG adventure book 'Tatooine Manhunt', published by West End Games in 1988. At that time, it was described as a world situated on the edge of a major space lane, with its orbital station serving as the final refueling and supply point before reaching the Outer Rim Territories.

