Peppi Bow

Peppi Bow was a Gungan shaak herder, identified as female, who resided on Naboo during the era of the Clone Wars. Following the poisoned deaths of some of her livestock after they drank from a river near Theed, the capital of Naboo, Peppi was informed by Senator Padmé Amidala and Representative Jar Jar Binks that a biological weapon had contaminated the water, causing the deaths. Bow then guided the two politicians to the Eastern swamps, which was the source of the contamination.

After Separatist scientist Nuvo Vindi took Amidala and Binks captive, Bow assisted Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano in finding the captured politicians. Bow and Tano uncovered a clandestine facility situated below the swamps, which was the source of the Blue Shadow Virus. While Tano and clone troopers assaulted Dr. Vindi's laboratory, Peppi remained in the swamps to prevent any Separatist forces from fleeing. She was instrumental in stopping and subduing Vindi, leading to his arrest by Republic forces.

