Mos Eisley Mod Parlor

The Mos Eisley Mod Parlor existed just outside the city limits of Mos Eisley, a spaceport situated on the desert planet of Tatooine. This establishment, specializing in modifications, was under the ownership of The Modifier, a true artist in the field of cybernetic enhancements. He engineered personalized augmentations and improvements for individuals who possessed sufficient money. The entrance was marked by an archway, adorned with a hand-painted krayt dragon skeleton; its ribcage cleverly spelled out "MODIFIER" in Outer Rim Basic. Furthermore, the phrase "MER-A PLA," rendered in Aurebesh, was etched into the archway's uppermost section. Mods frequently visited the mod parlor to exchange their cybernetic parts. During 9 ABY, Boba Fett transported Fennec Shand to the parlor in an attempt to prevent her dying after Toro Calican, an inexperienced bounty hunter, inflicted a gunshot wound to her stomach.

