Jawa Trade Language, alternatively referred to as Jawa Trade Talk, was a basic language employed by the Jawas of Tatooine when they were conducting trade of droids with individuals who were not Jawas. It is known that Owen Lars, a moisture farmer, possessed at least a rudimentary comprehension of it. Furthermore, Anakin Skywalker, a Jedi Knight, had a relatively strong understanding of this language.
The initial appearance of Jawa Trade Talk was in the 1977 film, Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope. Ben Burtt, the sound designer, developed a script for the actors portraying Jawas, drawing inspiration from the African language of Zulu. This script was then subjected to an increase in speed during the post-production phase. Despite its foundation in Zulu, individuals fluent in the language, such as Trevor Noah, the host of The Daily Show, have demonstrated the ability to provide translations.