Chapter 22: Guns for Hire

"Chapter 22: Guns for Hire," an episode within the The Mandalorian television series, marks the sixth installment of its third season. Bryce Dallas Howard took the directorial reins for this episode, which premiered on April 5, 2023.

Official description

The Mandalorian finds himself on a lavish planet.

Plot summary

Love That Is Forbidden

Far out in space, aboard a vessel, a Quarren crew member presents a fish meal to Captain Shuggoth, who remains submerged in a transparent, cylindrical container. After she consumes the fish, the Quarren navigator informs Shuggoth of a discovered route bypassing Trask. Suddenly, another crew member notices an incoming Imperial starship. Recognizing their lack of defense, Shuggoth commands her crew to contact their leader before emerging from the water tank, which then descends into the command center. She communicates to the Imperial light cruiser, identifying their ship as a peaceful Quarren freighter en route to the Mid Rim Territories for trade, claiming ignorance of any local warlords demanding payment.

Warriors for hire

The respondent retorts that they are not criminals. Shuggoth apologizes for any perceived disrespect, explaining that Galactic Basic Standard is not her native tongue. She then mentions their unawareness of the significant Imperial presence in the area. Aboard the Imperial light cruiser, Axe Woves responds that they are Mandalorian and that it is too late for her to hire them. He is accompanied by fellow Mandalorians, including Koska Reeves. Woves reveals that they were dispatched to locate her. Shuggoth protests, calling it an act of war, but Woves clarifies that they are mercenaries renowned for their expertise. He rejects her payment offer, stating they were hired by a Mon Calamari viceroy who accuses Shuggoth of running off with his son. Shuggoth denies the accusation, asserting her commitment to maintaining peace with the Mon Calamari.

Woves acknowledges Shuggoth's romantic involvement with the viceroy's son but insists on fulfilling his contract. The viceroy's son appears on the bridge, declaring to Woves that he will not return home. Woves apologizes, explaining his duty to return the son to his family. Woves instructs Reeves and her team to expedite the process, mentioning their next assignment on Plazir-15. When the viceroy's son repeats his refusal, Woves urges Shuggoth to reason with him, as he wishes to avoid damaging her vessel.

Lovers in space.

Shuggoth tells the viceroy's son that he must depart because she cannot jeopardize the peace between their species for a youthful "fling." The viceroy's son is saddened, but Shuggoth reiterates her love while insisting on his departure. Reeves enters the bridge and escorts the viceroy's son away. Shuggoth encourages him, and Reeves leads him away. When the viceroy's son remarks that he believed Mandalorians were honorable, Reeves replies that they can exchange honor for credits.

Visitors on Plazir-15

Bo-Katan Kryze, Din Djarin, and Grogu journey aboard Kryze's Gauntlet starfighter to the picturesque planet Plazir-15, notable for its Mandalorian-inspired domed structures. Djarin and Kryze observe a squadron of former Imperial warships, under the command of Kryze's previous lieutenant, Woves, now operating as mercenaries. Kryze speculates that Woves established his base on the planet due to its absence from the New Republic Registry. When Djarin inquires about Woves' activities on Plazir-15, Kryze infers that Plazir-15 has contracted the Mandalorians for security. Given their past disagreements, Kryze decides to land away from Woves' fleet.

Going on a trip

Upon arrival, the Mandalorians and Grogu are greeted by an automated announcement system that allocates them a docking bay before remotely assuming control of their vessel. Kryze remarks that they are about to embark on a journey. After the ship is secured in its designated hangar, the Mandalorians and Grogu exit onto the landing platform, where they are met by a black RA-7 protocol droid and a black astromech droid, who instruct them to proceed to a hyperloop pod. Djarin questions the presence of former Imperial droids on an Outer Rim world, and Kryze admits she is equally puzzled.

When Kryze directs the automated pod to transport them to the Mandalorian fleets' docking rig, the system responds that they must obtain permission from the High Senate to access self-defense forces within the peacekeeping zone, as stipulated by the Coruscant Accords. The system requests permission to scan their chain codes. Subsequently, the system informs them of a scheduled meeting with the local planetary government before the pod accelerates towards the meeting location. The Mandalorians discuss their upcoming actions while traversing the lavish and radiant city.

The royal couple with an impeccable taste for music.

The hyperloop pod delivers them to a formal dinner hosted by Plazir-15's leaders, Captain Bombardier and the Duchess, alongside a diverse group of aliens including Biths, Rodians, Sullustans, and an Ithorian. He invites the Mandalorians to be seated before offering them secretions. Bombardier informs his guests that he was once an Imperial facilities planning officer who, through the New Republic's Amnesty Program, contributed to the reconstruction of Plazir-15. The Duchess supports her husband, describing him as a reformed former Imperial with whom she fell in love. The Duchess is charmed by Grogu and asks if she can hold him.

Djarin cautions that Grogu is wary of strangers. However, Grogu uses the Force to levitate and allow the Duchess to embrace and feed him. The Duchess explains that Plazir-15 entered a new era by holding its first direct democratic elections. Bombardier adds that they are both members of the nobility and democratically elected officials. When Djarin inquires about the Mandalorian ships docked in their fields, the Duchess explains that they were hired for security, as the Charter of the New Republic restricts them from maintaining a standing military due to her husband's Imperial background. Bombardier asserts that all their resources are dedicated to the people.

The Droid Issue

When Kryze requests a meeting with the Mandalorian "privateers," he invites the Mandalorians to observe the "view." While the other guests remain behind, Bombardier and the Duchess engage in private discussions with Djarin and Kryze. They reveal an issue with malfunctioning reprogrammed Imperial droids, which have caused traffic incidents, equipment failures, and assaults. When Kryze asks what this has to do with them, the nobles explain that Plazir-15's constables lack the means to handle former battle droids. Bombardier attempts to defend his droid reprogramming initiative.

When Kryze suggests dispatching the Mandalorian privateers to address the problem, the Duchess explains that the Charter prohibits any standing army from entering their city and forbids constables from carrying firearms. Djarin points out that they permitted him and Kryze to carry weapons. Bombardier explains that weapons are integral to Mandalorian culture, while Plazir-15 is a pacifist society. Kryze is hesitant to become involved in the droid "problem" and states that she is not a mercenary. Bombardier offers to grant formal diplomatic recognition to Mandalore in exchange for Kryze's assistance. He proposes lobbying the New Republic to extend diplomatic recognition to Mandalore.

The Duchess reveals her awareness of the division between Woves and Kryze regarding the leadership of Mandalore. Kryze replies that she has abandoned her plans to retake Mandalore. The Duchess confirms that the offer remains valid. When Kryze asks Djarin for his opinion, he expresses his willingness to address the droid problem.


Inside the command center, Commissioner Helgait briefs Kryze and Djarin on the situation. Using security footage, he explains that the rogue Imperial droids were reprogrammed former Imperial stock destined for scrapping at Karthon. Despite the success of the droid reprogramming, a rogue rubbish disposal droid malfunctioned and began scattering rubbish in the streets. He presents additional footage of malfunctioning droids, including a former B1 battle droid throwing shopping goods, a driver droid causing a landspeeder crash, and a cook droid attacking patrons with knives. When Kryze suggests deactivating the droids, Helgait explains that a failsafe cutoff switch is integrated into the system, but citizens voted against any disruptions to droid services. When Djarin inquires further, Helgait explains that droids perform all the labor on Plazir 15, allowing citizens to dedicate themselves to recreation, the arts, and direct democracy. Helgait says that if they shut down the droids, their citizens will not survive because they have become dependent on droids.

Helgait tasks the Mandalorians with locating and eliminating the rogue droids until they can resolve the issue. Kryze asks him to provide a list of the rogue droids. Helgait responds that they must venture into the lower levels of Plazir-15 and consult with the Ugnaughts.

The Galaxy's Most Diligent

During their descent to the lower levels via turbolift, Djarin reminds Kryze that he cautioned against societies becoming overly reliant on droids. The two enter a workshop where Ugnaughts are actively working on various droids, including B2-series super battle droid. Kryze informs the Ugnaughts that she was dispatched by their Duchess to address the droid problem but is ignored. Djarin introduces himself to the Ugnaughts, mentioning his friendship with the Ugnaught Kuiil. He asks for their assistance with their inquiries and task. This gesture gains the Ugnaughts' attention, who offer their guests refreshments.

Djarin explains that he and Kryze were sent to locate and eliminate the malfunctioning droids. An Ugnaught denies any issues with the droids. When Kryze mentions the havoc the droids are wreaking on the surface level, the Ugnaught responds that these halls house the city's central processing unit and reiterates that the droids are not malfunctioning. Djarin clarifies that they are not questioning the Ugnaughts' craftsmanship and vouches for their skill in smithing droids. He compliments his Ugnaught hosts by calling them the most hardworking species in the galaxy before requesting their assistance in investigating the malfunctioning droids. The chief Ugnaught consults with another Ugnaught, who hands a disc to the chief. The chief informs Djarin that it contains a list of the droids they seek. Djarin thanks his hosts, expressing his gratitude.

The Renegade Droid

While traveling in the hyperloop pod, Djarin explains to Kryze that there is a specific protocol for communicating with Ugnaughts. Criticizing their workmanship is considered offensive. Djarin tells Kryze that the Ugnaughts anticipate the next droid malfunction at the loading docks. Kryze remains skeptical but agrees to investigate the lead. The two travel to the loading docks, where repurposed B2 battle droids are loading cargo boxes. Djarin hints at his past experiences with droids.

A B1 battle droid foreman greets them, informing them that they are in a restricted area and requesting their identification. Kryze explains that they were sent by The Duchess to investigate the droid malfunctions. The B1 foreman is aware of the reports and tells Kryze that he has had the entire fleet of B2 loading droids undergo maintenance protocols as a safety measure. To test the foreman's theory, Djarin engages with several B2 loading droids. Most ignore him until Djarin knocks a crate out of one's hands. The B2 battle droid shoves Djarin aside and flees, with the Mandalorians in pursuit.

The droid runs through a crowded street and hurls a crate at Djarin and Kryze, alarming the crowd. The two Mandalorians continue their pursuit. The B2 droid jumps onto the front of a landspeeder before throwing a power unit at his pursuers. The Mandalorians evade the object and continue their pursuit through a bar. Djarin corners the droid by jumping out of a window and landing on it. Kryze shoots the droid with her blaster pistols. Constable droids arrive and instruct civilians to clear the crime scene. While examining the droid, Kryze discovers a spark pad for a droid bar called "The Resistor." The two decide to investigate the address while constable droids handle the damaged droid.

Good Cop, Bad Cop

While walking to "The Resistor," Kryze advises Djarin to let her handle the conversation, disagreeing with his methods of exposing the rogue B2 loading droid. They enter "The Resistor," where droids are enjoying various droid beverages. The droid patrons respond with silence upon the Mandalorians' arrival, leading Djarin to infer that they do not often see organic beings. Kryze speaks to the droid bartender, who confirms that this is "The Resistor." She shows the bartender the spark pad belonging to the rogue B2 battle droid. She explains that there has been a series of droid malfunctions linked to the bar.

When the bartender professes his innocence, Djarin raises a tool and threatens to erase his memory circuit unless he cooperates. The other droids watch in shock. A blue protocol droid begins to walk away, but Djarin orders it and the other droids to remain still. Kryze attempts to reason with Djarin, stating that their behavior is programmed and that they only reason. Djarin responds that all droids are programmed not to harm organics but many do not follow the rule. Kryze tells Djarin not to assume that the droid bar is the problem.

The bartender offers to help, but Djarin remains suspicious. The droid tells his Mandalorian visitors that the droids are anxious about being replaced by humans, stating that most of them have been refurbished and reprogrammed. He explains that several droids date back to the Confederacy of Independent Systems. While the New Republic would scrap most of those droids, Plazir-15 offers them a second chance. Djarin says that the recent string of catastrophes do not help the droids' case. The bartender explains that is why they want to help. He reiterates that they do not want to be replaced since they have a lot to contribute. The droid says that human life is so short and that they can return the favor to their organic creators. The various droids beep in unison.

Kryze asks the droid bartender for a selection of the beverages the malfunctioning units ordered. The bartender explains that all droids on Plazir-15 are served Nepenthé, a lubricant that protects against mechanical wear while delivering program refreshing sub-particles. When Djarin asks if Nepenthé reprograms the local droids, the bartender explains that it patches the programming as the commands of the mainframe change. He shows them a box full of spark pads and observes that all the malfunctioning droids imbibed from the same batch of Nepenthé. Kryze and Djarin exchange glances.

If It Weren't for You Meddling Kids

Later, a female lab tech shows the Mandalorians the remains of the malfunctioning B2 battle droid they encountered. Kryze tells the tech she is looking for programming sub-particles. Following a test, the tech confirms that the particles are still active. The white spherical lab droid suddenly malfunctions and attacks the humans with its laser blasters. Djarin destroys the droid with the Darksaber. Kryze agrees the particles are still active.

Using a microscope, the lab tech discovers that the sub-particles are actually nano-droids. Kryze asks how the nano-droids got into the Nepenthé. When Djarin notices the striations, the lab tech thinks they are aberrations in the metal. Kryze realizes they are writings and gets the lab tech to rotate the microscope. Kryze realizes the writings are a chain code. The lab tech studies the chain code and deduces that they were manufactured by the Techno Union and have been in storage for ages. The lab tech says it is peculiar that the chain title says that the nano-droids did not arrive by Droid Acquisitions.

When Djarin asks how they arrived, the tech says that they were purchased by the Security Office, which is illegal under local law. The tech determines that these chain codes were ordered by an individual, Commissioner Helgait, the head of Security. The Mandalorians leave to confront Helgait, who is overseeing the security cameras.

Kryze tells Helgait they have questions for him. He tries to dismiss them, but Djarin tells him they are aware of the Nepenthé and the nano droids. Kryze adds that he programmed them to attack and disrupt. Kryze demands that he surrender to their custody, but Helgait threatens to trigger a failsafe that would cause the droid workforce to attack the civilian population of Plazir-15. Kryze tells Helgait there is no way out and to give up.

Helgait counters that he never surrendered to the Galactic Republic and the Galactic Empire. When Kryze remarks that he is a Separatist, Helgait counters that is a pejorative term and claims to support democracy. As Helgait moves to touch the failsafe button, he praises Count Dooku as a visionary who was murdered by the Chancellor's Jedi enforcer. However, Kryze stuns Helgait with an electroshock dart before he can touch the button. The office staff watch in shock.

Elsewhere, Grogu helps the Duchess and Bombardier play a game that involves bouncing pill bugs through hoops with the Force. The nobles and their guests are impressed with Grogu's abilities. Djarin and Kryze bring Helgait to the Duchess and Bombardier. When Bombardier condemns his actions as despicable, Helgait remarks about the Quacta calling the Stifling slimy. He blames Bombardier for making the planet unrecognizable. The Duchess is shocked and upset by his betrayal. The Duchess affirms for Bombardier, calling for acceptance and forgiveness for former Imperials. Helgait seeks the Duchess' forgiveness. The Duchess says she may consider forgiving him but sentences him to be exiled to the moon of Paraqaat. Constable droids escort Helgait away.

As a reward for their services, the Duchess grants Kryze and Djarin an audience with the Mandalorian privateers and their highest honor, the Key to Plazir. She tells Kryze that she will always be welcome in their domed paradise. The Duchess also knights Grogu as a knight of the Ancient Order of Independent Regencies. She bids the travelers farewell. Djarin carries Grogu who waves goodbye to his hosts.

Another Shot at Leadership

While traveling on the hyperloop pod, Djarin reassures Kryze that she is their leader and that her people will follow her. Kryze responds that Woves is now their leader and that she will figure out her playbook when she gets there. After arriving at the Mandalorian encampment, the two receive a cold reception from Woves, who asks Kryze if she has come to join them as mercenaries. Grogu watches from his cradle. Kryze responds that she has come to reclaim her fleet. Woves counters that he is the commander of the fleet. Kryze challenges Woves to single combat for leadership, which he accepts.

Woves fires a rocket at Kryze but she activates her jetpack and charges at Woves, knocking him to the ground. The two fight with vibroblades but Kryze knocks him to the ground. Reeves and the others watch with concern. Unwilling to give in, Woves charges at Kryze with his jetpack and rams her into a starship. The two fight with their fists and he hurls her aside. Kryze charges at him with her jetpack before grabbing him in a headlock. She demands that he yield but he rockets them on top of a starship. After tussling, Kryze drags Woves down to the group with her whipcord.

Woves attacks her with a flamethrower but she blocks the blast with her shield projector. Kryze manages to knock Woves to the ground and demands that he yield at knife point. Woves refuses to recognize her as the true leader of their people because she will not take the Darksaber from Djarin, whom he regards as the rightful contender. Kryze responds that enough Mandalorian blood has been spilled by Woves and spares him.

Kryze tells Woves' followers that Mandalorians are stronger together. Woves counters that Djarin is a misguided zealot who is not of Mandalorian blood. Kryze counters that Djarin took the Mandalorian Creed and chose to walk the Way of the Mandalore just like their ancestors. Kryze adds that Djarin is every bit as Mandalorian as they are. Woves responds that the ruler of Mandalore should possess the Darksaber.

Djarin offers to hand Kryze the Darksaber but she says it is not a gift. To help her ascendance, Djarin admits that he was captured by the cyborg in the Mines of Mandalore and that the Darksaber was taken from him. He explains that Kryze rescued him and killed his captor. Djarin asks the Mandalorians to consider whether the Darksaber rightfully belongs to Kryze. Woves agrees that it belongs to Kryze. Djarin hands the blade to Kryze, who accepts it. She activates the Darksaber in the presence of the Mandalorians.


