Chapter 21: The Pirate

Episode 21: The Pirate is the fifth installment of the third season of the live-action show, The Mandalorian. Peter Ramsey took on directing duties for this episode, which premiered on March 29, 2023.

Official synopsis

The inhabitants of Nevarro are in dire need of defense against relentless assaults by pirates.


A Pirate Onslaught

Greef Karga, the High Magistrate of Nevarro, is in a discussion with two civil engineers regarding the design of the city. Their meeting is interrupted by screams and the arrival of Karga's protocol droid, who reports that a pirate Corsair is intruding upon the airspace above the populated area. The droid suggests negotiating with Shard, but Karga firmly rejects this idea, believing it would establish an undesirable precedent. He instructs the droid to evacuate the civilians and dismisses the engineers.

The two leaders meet.

Gorian Shard, the Pirate King, contacts Karga. Shard ridicules Karga's clothing choices, to which Karga responds with a warning not to mistake his hospitality for weakness. Shard then brings up the deaths of several members of his crew, blaming Karga and Din Djarin. Karga retorts that Shard's helmsman initiated the shooting, but Shard claims that he always shoots first. Karga asserts that Nevarro is under the protection of the New Republic, but Shard dismisses this, stating that the planet is independent and no longer protected by Moff Gideon. Karga counters that the Spinward patrol frequently passes through Nevarro.

Shard warns Karga that he cannot bluff his way out of this situation like a game of sabacc, and tells him not to contact him again unless it is to surrender. While Karga converses with an orange R4 astromech droid, Shard's starship begins an aerial bombardment of the settlement, resulting in widespread destruction and damage to buildings. Civilians flee in terror. Karga's protocol droid informs him that his escape pod is ready, but Karga refuses to abandon his people and issues an immediate directive. A white protocol droid orders the residents of Nevarro to evacuate to the lava flats. Karga sends a distress signal to Captain Carson Teva, requesting assistance from the New Republic.

A Call for Help

Captain Carson Teva is at the New Republic outpost on Adelphi, where several New Republic starfighter pilots are relaxing with drinks and games at a bar. The bartender informs Teva that a message has arrived and hands him a data disc. Teva plays the message and hears Karga's plea for help. Karga explains that Nevarro is under attack by the Pirate Nation, led by Pirate King Gorian Shard. Reminding Teva of his previous offer of assistance, Karga requests the New Republic's help in eliminating the raiders, fearing that the planet will fall and Shard will transform Nevarro into a pirate stronghold.

The two pilots were left hanging by the New Republic.

Garazeb "Zeb" Orrelios, a fellow pilot, overhears the message and joins Teva, expressing his concern for the situation and his support for Nevarro. Teva intends to forward Karga's distress message to Coruscant to request permission to intervene. Orrelios points out that the New Republic is overwhelmed with requests for assistance and will likely take weeks to respond. Teva decides to travel to Coruscant himself to advocate for Karga. Orrelios wishes him luck, acknowledging the challenges he will face.

Bureaucratic Obstacles

Captain Teva journeys to Coruscant and enters a skyscraper serving as a New Republic military facility. Elia Kane, a former Imperial officer, notices Teva's arrival. Despite the objections of a Rodian staff member, Teva forces his way into Colonel Tuttle's office, where the Colonel is being attended to by a yellow astromech droid. After dismissing the droid, Tuttle inquires about the purpose of Teva's visit.

Internal conflict within the New Republic.

Teva explains that he is from Adelphi Base, located in a remote region, and is there on behalf of High Magistrate Karga, who is requesting assistance from the New Republic following an attack on Nevarro, a world in the Outer Rim. Tuttle replays Karga's distress message before stopping it. Kane enters the room, and Tuttle seeks her opinion on the Nevarro situation. Kane points out that Nevarro has not yet signed the Charter and is not a member of the New Republic. Teva argues that planets should not be left defenseless, but Tuttle responds that member worlds have priority and that the New Republic lacks the resources to help Nevarro.

Teva suggests that the recent pirate attack on Nevarro is not an isolated incident, citing reports of Imperial military activity on the planet, Moff Gideon, and the Pirate King Shard. He suspects these events are connected and mentions rumors that Gideon never faced trial. Tuttle responds that the New Republic is now a government with a structure, not a rebellion. He clarifies that he works in Requisitions and asks Teva to state his business.

Teva requests authorization and backup to deal with the pirates on Nevarro. Kane smiles and suggests that the pirate attack could serve as a reminder to Nevarro's leaders about the benefits of joining the New Republic. Teva remarks that her views are reminiscent of the imperial regime. Tuttle scolds Teva for his inappropriate comment, but Kane dismisses it and suggests that a new perspective is needed to "see the light." Teva questions her conversion story and reminds her that she was captured, but Kane insists that she was "liberated."

Request denied.

Ultimately, Tuttle denies sending help to Nevarro because it is not a member planet, but he promises to consider allocating resources. Teva warns that something "big and dangerous" is happening "out there" and that ignoring it will allow it to escalate into a problem that the New Republic will be unable to address. Frustrated and disappointed, the captain leaves the colonel's office.

Meanwhile, on Nevarro, Karga leads the displaced residents of Nevarro City to shelter near a cave. After observing Shard's warship in orbit, Karga addresses his people, assuring them that help will arrive soon. When some citizens question when help will arrive, Karga tells them that he has appealed to the New Republic and that assistance is on its way.

A Helping Hand

Captain Teva pilots his X-wing starfighter, accompanied by his R7 astromech droid, to the planet where the Mandalorian covert is hidden. He lands and approaches the entrance of their hideout, but the Mandalorians are unwelcoming. Din Djarin asks Teva how he discovered their location, and Teva reveals that R5-D4, a veteran of the Rebellion, is among their ranks. Teva thanks R5.

Djarin expresses concern that the entire covert will have to relocate, and Paz Vizsla suggests killing Teva. Djarin refuses, stating that Teva once "cut him a break" and he will return the favor. Teva informs them that Din Djarin's friend, Greef Karga, is under attack by pirates and needs help. When Djarin asks why Teva is there and suggests that the New Republic should intervene, Teva explains that Coruscant is indifferent. He reminds Djarin that Karga is his friend. When Djarin questions his motives, Teva warns that the New Republic needs to be aware of the resurgence of the Empire. Djarin asks if the Pirate King is connected to these Imperial elements. Teva is unsure but reiterates that Djarin's friend is in danger.

As Bo-Katan Kryze approaches Teva, the pilot returns to his X-wing. He promises not to reveal the location of the covert and apologizes for intruding. After Teva departs, Kryze asks Djarin for his thoughts. Djarin agrees that Teva is right and that he must help Karga, but Kryze reminds him that he cannot do it alone.

A Motivational Oration

Inside the covert's cave, Djarin addresses the assembled members of his clan while holding the hammer of The Armorer. He reminds them that Karga was once an enemy who had a change of heart and risked his life to save him and his foundling Grogu. Grogu observes. Djarin requests his clan's intervention to rescue Nevarro before it is too late. Djarin acknowledges that he is in no position to ask for their help. As the Mandalorians murmur, Djarin reminds them that it was the Empire, not Karga's bounty hunters, who decimated their covert. Djarin explains that Karga is now the High Magistrate of Nevarro and has offered him a tract of land on the planet, proposing that they relocate there to live freely under the sunlight.

Following Djarin's speech, the Armorer asks if anyone else wishes to speak. Paz Vizsla steps forward and takes the hammer. He recounts witnessing other Mandalorians fall at the hands of the Imperials on Nevarro and questions why they should risk their lives again. Vizsla answers that it is because they are Mandalorians and that he will fight alongside Djarin and Kryze, who helped save his son Ragnar. Despite his past disagreements with them, he pledges his support because they are leading the way to a brighter future. Vizsla leads the clan in chanting "This is the Way."

Mandalorians to the Rescue

The once disgraced leader leads again.

Outside, Kryze briefs the Mandalorians about her Kom'rk-class fighter, which she plans to use to drop them into Nevarro City. She emphasizes the need for them to operate as a cohesive military unit, with Kryze and Djarin providing aerial support. She hopes to use the element of surprise to overcome their numerical disadvantage. Continuing the briefing in hyperspace, she informs the warriors that King Shard commands a Cumulus Class Corsair, which is equipped with snubfighters and has aerial strike capabilities. While Din Djarin's N-1 starfighter distracts the Corsair and its snubfighters, the rest of the Mandalorians will infiltrate the city. She highlights that Nevarro is an independent planet where they can live as heroes.

Meanwhile, in Nevarro City, the pirates are looting the city and terrorizing a bartender and the local Kowakian monkey-lizards. Several of them spot Djarin's N-1 starfighter flying overhead. Djarin attacks Gorian Shard's corsair, damaging parts of the starship, including the gun turrets. In response, Shard sends several Pirate Snub Fighters, led by the Nikto Vane, to pursue him. Watching from the ground, Karga thanks Djarin for his help. Djarin replies that he has decided to accept his offer for a tract of land. Karga cautions Djarin to be careful, as the pirates outnumber him ten to one. Grogu sits on Djarin's lap throughout the dogfight.

After tricking two snub-fighters into colliding, Djarin remarks that he likes these odds, which Karga echoes. With the Corsair distracted, Kryze flies her Gauntlet fighter over the city, allowing the Mandalorians to descend to the surface. The first team uses their jetpacks to enter the city. Several Anzellan mechanics watch as the Mandalorian clan members ambush, kill, and capture several pirates. Team Two advances towards the courtyard while Djarin leads the snubfighters over the Nevarro flats.

With the Corsair distracted, Kryze disables one of its engines, and Shard orders the snub-fighters to regroup for a counter-attack. Vane and the surviving snub-fighters abandon the attack. On the ground, Kowakian monkey-lizards warn the Mandalorians about a pirate ambush. The Mandalorians engage in a gun battle but are surrounded by pirates. Paz Vizsla arrives with reinforcements and eliminates several pirates with his heavy repeating blaster. A Trandoshan pirate operates a laser cannon emplacement and strafes the Mandalorians on the ground.

Vane and his snub-fighters pursue Kryze's starfighter. However, she outmaneuvers her pursuers and damages the Corsair, disabling a second engine and its deflector shields. Meanwhile, the Armorer ambushes pirates who have taken refuge in Karga's office, eliminating them with her hammer. She then strikes the Trandoshan gunner, causing him to fall off the balcony. With the sniper neutralized, Vizsla leads the ground forces against the remaining pirates, driving them out of the city, where Karga and the Nevarro citizens trap them and force their surrender.

A captain goes down with his ship.

Following the loss of the second snub-fighter, Vane, piloting the only remaining snub-fighter, abandons the pirate crew. Shard berates Vane, calling him a coward. Shard refuses to retreat and attempts to fire on the citizens. Working together, Djarin and Kryze destroy his ship by targeting the Corsair's last engine. The Corsair explodes, and the flaming wreckage crashes into the outskirts of Nevarro City in a massive explosion.

After the battle, Karga and the townspeople celebrate as the surviving pirates are rounded up. Karga thanks the Mandalorians for liberating his city. Despite their past conflicts, Karga declares that this is behind them. As High Magistrate, Karga grants the Mandalorians all land stretching from the western lava flats to Bulloch Canyon. He acknowledges that they no longer have a home planet but tells them that they now have a home on Nevarro, to which the townsfolk cheer and celebrate.

The Reclamation of Mandalore

Following Karga's speech, Paz Vizsla informs Kryze that the Armorer wishes to speak with her. Vizsla leads Kryze through the Nevarro sewer to the Armorer's workshop. The Armorer compares the workshop forge to the Great Forge on Mandalore, noting that both forges serve the same purpose despite their difference in scale. The Armorer then asks Kryze to remove her helmet. Kryze hesitates, as removing one's helmet is against the Way of the Mandalore. The Armorer asks if Kryze respects her position and again requests that she remove her helmet, and Kryze complies.

The Armorer asserts that it is not enough for only a few to follow the Way and that all Mandalorians must follow it together. Kryze agrees. The Armorer acknowledges Kryze's claim of seeing a Mythosaur and declares it a sign of a new era for Mandalore. The Armorer tells Kryze that Mandalore must unite and that Kryze is the one who can unite the Mandalorians.

The one who walks both worlds.

The two return to the surface, Kryze still without her helmet. Djarin, Grogu, and the other Mandalorians watch. The Armorer announces to the Tribe that Kryze will seek out other Mandalorians and bring them back. Vizsla questions Kryze showing her face, but the Armorer defends her, stating that Kryze walks both worlds and can unite both tribes. The Armorer proclaims that it is time to retake Mandalore.

A Derelict Vessel

Captain Teva discovers the wrecked shuttle

While patrolling through deep space, Captain Teva discovers the wreckage of a Lambda-class T-4a shuttle. Teva contacts Lieutenant Reed to report his finding. Reed confirms that a missing craft had been reported in the area, but the details were classified. Teva asks his astromech droid R7 to deploy a probe to examine the damaged shuttle.

Reed reviews the flight logs of the craft and finds that they match those of the ship that was supposed to transport Moff Gideon to his New Republic trial. Teva's probe discovers the bodies of several New Republic officers. Teva realizes that Gideon is missing and never made it to trial. As the probe explores deeper into the ship, it finds a fragment of Beskar alloy embedded in the wall, leading the pilots to question whether Gideon might have been abducted by Mandalorians.

Cast and Crew

