A Cumulus-class Corsair, a vessel of considerable size, was under the command of the notorious Pirate King Gorian Shard and his associated pirate crew circa 9 ABY. This ship played a role in a dogfight in Nevarro's system, and it later initiated the Pirate siege on Nevarro. Ultimately, it met its end through destruction at the hands of Mandalorian forces.
The deflector shields on Shard's pirate Corsair, while present, were not robust enough to withstand attacks from weaponry of a military standard. The ship also relied on eight engines for sublight speed and incorporated a hyperdrive system for journeys between star systems. Communication systems were also present. A distinctive physical attribute of the ship was its anvil-shaped forward section.

To defend against fighters and local patrol craft, the Corsair featured four Quad Laser Cannons situated on its dorsal side, with two cannons on each side. Furthermore, it had fourteen ventral gunwales, designed for launching unguided missiles at ground targets, with the purpose of instilling fear and disorder. These gunwales, however, proved ineffective against tracking enemy fighters, an issue that became clear during the siege of Nevarro.
From its dorsal hangar, Shard's Corsair could launch up to twelve Pirate Snub Fighters to engage enemy ships or provide defense for the larger vessel. Although these fighters possessed agility and were armed with four laser cannons, they were primarily suited for acts of piracy and attacks on lightly defended freighters, rather than genuine combat. Military-grade starfighters, such as Din Djarin's N-1 starfighter and Bo-Katan Kryze's Gauntlet starfighter, could easily destroy them.
The pirate Corsair, belonging to Gorian Shard, participated in the dogfight in Nevarro's system and served as Shard's main vessel during his invasion of Nevarro. This invasion followed an encounter involving the Mandalorian Din Djarin, Nevarro's High Magistrate Greef Karga, and a group of pirates under the command of Vane, Shard's second-in-command. After Shard contacted Karga to demand his surrender, the Corsair initiated a bombardment of Nevarro City, aiming to create panic and force the evacuation of the civilian population.

During the Mandalorian counterattack, the starship quickly suffered significant damage. Its shields and weapons were unable to effectively defend against the military-grade fighters piloted by Din Djarin and Bo-Katan. The shields soon failed, and only one engine remained operational. Under Shard's command, the Corsair fired indiscriminately upon the city, hoping to eliminate the Mandalorian ground forces and the civilian population in a final act of defiance. However, the Mandalorian fighters destroyed the last functioning engine, causing the ship to crash just outside the city limits, resulting in the deaths of the entire crew, including Gorian Shard himself.