Cyborg mech

The cyborg mech refers to a cyborg scavenger who was active on the abandoned planet Mandalore around 9 ABY. This entity used a Spider Tank as its mode of transportation across the devastated terrain of Mandalore, using it to defend against other lifeforms and capture them to extract their blood. The being once managed to successfully trap the Mandalorian Din Djarin inside a cage in order to take his blood. Grogu, Djarin's ally, was able to escape the attack and sought assistance from Bo-Katan Kryze after his own attempts to liberate Djarin failed. Kryze killed the cyborg upon her arrival to save Djarin.

At a later time, Djarin recounted his loss to the cyborg, and the cyborg's subsequent demise at the hands of Kryze, to Clan Kryze. He used Bo-Katan's triumph as a reason to give her back the Darksaber, adhering to the tradition of ownership through combat.

