The Krish represented a sentient species in the galaxy. The smugglers Han Solo and Chewbacca experienced an ambush by three Krish marauder-ships situated in the Mid Rim, as they were looking for details regarding Imperial efforts to strengthen the Empire's connections with criminals after the Battle of Endor. After engaging the Krish ships, the smugglers realized that the weapons on their YT-1300 light freighter, known as the Millennium Falcon, were non-functional due to Chewbacca's attempts to repair a problem with the hyperdrive. Consequently, the Falcon sustained considerable damage, and the smugglers barely managed to evade the marauder-ships.
Timothy Zahn initially conceived the Krish for First Contact, a Star Wars Legends short story that was released within Star Wars Adventure Journal 1 during 1994. Chuck Wendig first referenced the species in the Star Wars universe inside his 2015 novel, Aftermath.