The Loongren, a species, were subjected to persecution by the Land & Sky Corporation, social isolation through propaganda, and persistent poverty. They were denied the same civil liberties afforded to other sentients within the Aakaash system. Hailing originally from a secluded homeworld, they were first contacted by smugglers funded by corrupt corporations. These smugglers enticed the Loongren with advanced technology and goods, promising that working for Xia Moist Pharmaceuticals would allow them to bring more such items back home. However, their "work" involved being used as experimental subjects to test their superior strength (compared to humans, whom they resembled except for their small dragon-like horns) for the pharmaceutical company. Furthermore, the life-extending drug, Dark yellow blood, was derived from the Loongren. A natural Loongren population resided on the planet Mountain, while Xia Moist Pharmaceuticals maintained a captive population on Thunder. The natural population had evolved sharp, claw-like nails.
It is believed that this species had a presence in the Aakaash system before the arrival of human colonists. In the early days of human colonization, the Loongren assumed religious roles for the new settlers. They functioned as priests, performing acts of divination, carrying out religious ceremonies, and offering prayers for rain. An ancient colonial legend recounts the Loongren's ability to summon wind and rain, a belief rooted in this history. Padawan Sean theorized that some aspect of their biology enabled them to sense impending weather changes. As human civilization expanded and progressed, the Loongren lost much of their ancestral lands, and the old religion that revered them fell out of favor. They even came to be viewed by the humans of the Aakaash system as an ominous source of supernatural malevolence. Some biased historical narratives even asserted that the Loongren abused their elevated religious position to oppress others. By approximately 500 BBY, the species had largely vanished from reliable historical accounts within the system.
The Loongren are featured in the Chinese web-novel The Vow of Silver Dawn as 龙人, which translates to "dragon people" or "dragon person". The Mandarin pronunciation of 龙人 is "lóng rén" in pinyin romanization. 龙, traditionally written as 龍, is the term for dragons, which hold a significant place in Chinese mythology as symbols of good fortune.