Pypey, a Force-sensitive Ithorian youngling, was the son of Oora. This child resided on the planet of Takobo in the years leading up to the Battle of Yavin. Imperial Inquisitors, specifically Fifth Brother and Seventh Sister, marked him for either capture or death. However, Garazeb Orrelios, Kanan Jarrus, Ezra Bridger, and Ahsoka Tano, who were rebels, intervened and rescued him, allowing him to be with his mother once more. Before his reunion with his mother, he made an attempt to grasp Ezra's lightsaber, but he was unsuccessful.
Prior to his rescue by members of the rebel group known as Phoenix Cell, Pypey and his mother, Oora, made their home in the Hammertown area of Takobo City, which serves as the capital of the planet Takobo.
Dee Bradley Baker lent his voice to Pypey, and he also provides the voices for Captain Rex, Admiral Kassius Konstantine, along with numerous other characters featured in Star Wars Rebels. While the Star Wars Databank identifies the character as "Pypey," both the end credits and subtitles of "The Future of the Force" spell his name as "Pipey." Originally, the intention was to name him "Pypie," but this spelling was revised during the production phase. The dwelling where Oora and Pypey reside contains a fabric displaying a recurring pattern, identical to the pattern sewn or printed on the material used to swaddle Alora.