
Chandel was a waterworld planet in the galaxy, with water covering its entire surface. When viewed from space, it had a blue appearance. The ocean floor of Chandel was home to Bev Kranti clams, which contained sought after pearls. In 3 BBY, an Imperial-class Star Destroyer intercepted a Taylander shuttle that was en route to Chandel. The Seventh Sister and Fifth Brother, two Imperial Inquisitors who were Jedi hunting, boarded the vessel. Before they could arrive at their destination, the pair abducted Alora, a youngling who was Force-sensitive, from her grandmother, Darja. Following the attack, Ahsoka Tano, a former Jedi, intercepted Imperial communications originating from Mustafar and used decoded coordinates to locate Chandel. Finding the abandoned shuttle above Chandel, she spoke with Darja about what had happened and pledged to rescue the child.

Behind the scenes

The animated television show Star Wars Rebels featured Chandel for the first time in "The Future of the Force," which was the tenth episode of the second season. The episode first aired on December 2, 2015. The planet's name wasn't mentioned in the episode itself, but it was later revealed in the Episode Guide on

