During her time as a Jedi hunter, the Seventh Sister utilized a lightsaber that featured a double-bladed spinning design. Its construction bore similarities to the double-bladed spinning lightsabers employed by other members of the Imperial Inquisitors.

This particular weapon was equipped with a ringed emitter. This emitter had the capacity to partially separate from the rest of the hilt. This separation allowed both blades to spin at high speeds without requiring any exertion from the user. This feature likely served a dual purpose for a Jedi hunter such as an Inquisitor: both to instill fear in their adversaries and to effectively block incoming attacks. However, this design also presented a significant vulnerability. An opponent skilled with a lightsaber could detach the emitter and bisect the weapon, a tactic famously executed by Kanan Jarrus during his final duel against the Grand Inquisitor on the Sovereign.
The handgrip was fully detachable from the ring-shaped emitter, which allowed the Force-imbued metal ring to be thrown like a disc.
Furthermore, the lightsaber could be used for flight, spinning rapidly in a manner similar to a helicopter rotor, generating sufficient lift to elevate the wielder.
Aesthetically, the Seventh Sister's lightsaber differed from other double-bladed spinning lightsabers used by her Inquisitorius colleagues. It was distinguished by its two smaller blades and the intricate engravings adorning its ringed emitter.

The Seventh Sister, alongside her fellow Inquisitors, received instruction in the use of this lightsaber at The Works on Coruscant. Their training was overseen by the Grand Inquisitor.
The Seventh Sister frequently employed this lightsaber when she and the Fifth Brother were dispatched by Darth Vader to pursue the Spectres. This pursuit led to multiple duels with rebel Jedi. She engaged in combat against the cell's Jedi members, Kanan Jarrus and Ezra Bridger, as well as Ahsoka Tano, the Phoenix Cell's former Jedi leader.