
Lallani, possessing a smooth and alluring voice, was a Quarren crime lady in competition with Jabba the Hutt. She utilized a group of Mandalorian mercenaries for her operations. Her activities included involvement with slavery.


Following a crash landing on a jungle planet connected to Rekias Nodo, Han Solo misled Nodo, making him think he was the crime lord Jabba the Hutt. Skreech, Nodo's chef, knew the truth and communicated it to Lallani using a comlink.

Subsequently, Lallani reached out to Nodo and arrived to take custody of the individual posing as "Jabba." Upon her arrival aboard her vessel, she discerned that Solo was not Jabba and showed her displeasure at being deceived. Lallani commanded her security forces to commence firing, which resulted in the destruction of a pile of Nodo's Rhydonium containers nearby, causing a series of explosions throughout the shipyard.

Personality and traits

Lallani possessed a lack of patience and did not accept being lied to. She mocked Nodo's assertion that Solo was Jabba the Hutt, referring to the smuggler as an "insignificant being."


Lallani had ownership of a spacecraft and carried an electro-whip. She could be reached using a comlink. Her Mandalorian mercenaries were equipped with Mandalorian armor and disintegrator weapons.

