
Skreech, a Hoopaloo of the male persuasion, was employed by the lawbreaking mechanic Rekias Nodo at a shipyard situated on a jungle planet. This Hoopaloo also functioned as a chef on Nodo's yacht. After smugglers Han Solo and Chewbacca experienced a crash landing on the planet, Solo's attempt to pilfer a heat exchanger for the purpose of fixing his starship, known as the Millennium Falcon, resulted in his capture. Solo deceived Nodo, making him think he was Jabba the Hutt; consequently, Nodo consented to repair Solo's ship, enlisting Skreech to provide catering services for "Jabba" on his yacht. Nevertheless, Skreech reached out to Lallani, a crime boss and rival of the Hutt, and told her about Jabba's supposed arrival. Lallani then made her way to the shipyard with the intention of capturing Jabba, only to realize that Nodo had been the victim of a trick.

