Chi Eekway Papanoida was a Pantoran female and the daughter of Baron Notluwiski Papanoida, who held the position of Supreme Chairman of Pantora. Towards the conclusion of the Clone Wars, she held the position of senator representing Pantora in the Galactic Senate.
The daughter of Notluwiski Papanoida was Chi Eekway Papanoida. During the period of the Clone Wars, Pantora was subjected to a blockade. As a result, she was abducted by Greedo and a Gotal under the orders of the Trade Federation, along with her sister, Che Amanwe Papanoida. Eekway was imprisoned on the Federation's flagship, where she remained alone and fearful for several days until Senator Riyo Chuchi and Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano arrived to rescue her. Papanoida then made her way back to the capital of the Galactic Republic. She later participated in senate meetings where the blockade imposed on her planet was brought to an end.
By the year 19 BBY, Papanoida had risen to the role of Junior Representative for Pantora, a role that involved her working under Chuchi's guidance and attending meetings in her place. Following his abduction, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine received a grand welcome upon his return, greeted by numerous senators, including Chi Eekway, who was among these respected ambassadors. She stood beside Terr Taneel, wearing red robes that covered her back and head.

Eekway, accompanied by her father, attended the Galaxies Opera House to witness the performance. For this occasion, Chi chose a brown velvet cloak and a floor-length black dress, complemented by moon crystals. As the Clone Wars neared their conclusion, Eekway became a member of the Delegation of 2,000, a collective of senators who, with Chuchi's support, demanded that Chancellor Palpatine relinquish his emergency powers back to the senate once the war had ended. At some later time, Papanoida took over from Chuchi as the senator representing Pantora.
The character of Chi Eekway Papanoida was brought to life by Katie Lucas, one of George Lucas's daughters. In the Clone Wars, her voice was provided by Nika Futterman.