Nix, a merqaal, served as a partner to Kay Vess during the Imperial Era. Originating from an uncharted jungle planet, he was captured by the Sixth Kin, intending to sell him off as an exotic pet. However, Kay Vess came to his rescue, and they became loyal partners in crime. In 3 ABY, Nix accompanied Vess on her journey through the criminal world to steal from the Zerek Besh syndicate. After evading capture by Zerek Besh, Nix continued his work with Kay, following their recruitment by the crime lord Jaylen Vrax for a heist targeting Sliro's Mansion. He played a role in helping Vess assemble the necessary crew from across the Outer Rim, eventually thwarting Vrax's campaign and securing freedom from Zerek Besh.
Hailing from an undiscovered jungle world, Nix's early life took a turn when the Sixth Kin captured him. Their plan was to offer him as an exotic pet for sale to wealthy individuals. While confined to a cage, he was discovered by Kay Vess, who was on a heist mission alongside her mother, Riko Vess. Moved by compassion, Kay unlocked the cage, setting the merqaal free. However, this triggered an alarm, leading to an attack by Sixth Kin enforcers. Despite Riko's initial scolding of Kay for disrupting the mission by rescuing Nix, Kay insisted on keeping him.
Subsequently, Nix and Kay became partners in crime within the Worker's District of Canto Bight, engaging in petty crimes like pickpocketing to acquire credits. Over several years of living and working together, Nix and Vess forged a strong bond, becoming inseparable. By 3 ABY, Nix joined Vess in infiltrating a Sixth Kin club to obtain counterfeit identichips needed for off-world travel. The mission went awry when a pressure switch alerted Sixth Kin enforcers. The bar owner, Bram Shano, offered Vess and Nix one final job to earn enough credits for a ship. Nix then accompanied Vess to meet with the crew, who were secretly associated with the Alliance to Restore the Republic. After infiltrating Westhill Palace, owned by the crime lord Sliro Barsha, Kay was stunned by the crew, who used her as a decoy to distract Zerek Besh. Nix found Vess, who had awoken to Barsha interrogating her. Following a signal from Vess, Nix attacked Barsha, creating an opportunity for Vess to escape and temporarily imprison Barsha and his guards in the cell instead. Escaping to the hangar, Nix and Vess boarded the EML-850 freighter Trailblazer, escaping to Cantonica orbit and jumping into hyperspace.
Emerging from hyperspace, Nix and Vess arrived in the Toshaal system, with their ship crash-landing on the moon of Toshara. Upon arriving on the moon's surface, Nix woke up Vess. Together, they rode a speeder to Mirogana City to gather parts for the rodian mechanic Waka to repair the ship. While visiting Makal's Cantina, Nix and Vess snuck into Gorak's suite for a job, drawing the attention of the Pyke Syndicate boss Gorak Palas. Nix approached Palas to be petted while Vess engaged in conversation, during which the merqaal stole Gorak's ring. After Vess's meeting with the Mon Calamari broker Danka Orsato, Nix accompanied Vess in infiltrating Gorak's base as a trial for the Crimson Dawn operative Eleera Soi.
Subsequently, Soi hired him and Vess once more to infiltrate an Imperial Station and delete Crimson Dawn records. Nix collaborated with Vess to access the floorplan and reach the data vault, but they were discovered by the Gallusian bookkeeper Bosnok, who offered to work with Vess in exchange for freedom from the Empire. With the data deleted and the information extracted, Nix escaped with the others aboard the Trailblazer, evading the Empire's pursuit.
To acquire the remaining parts needed for the ship's repair, Nix journeyed with Vess to steal an accelerator that could boost the speeder's power, granting access to a nav computer. After locating and installing the upgrade, they navigated through the wind tunnel, reaching the wreckage of the High Republic-dated ship Castellan. Upon reaching the bridge, Nix and Vess were betrayed by Waka, who intended to kill Vess and seize the Trailblazer for himself. However, Vail Tormin, the bounty hunter tasked with capturing Vess alive, killed Waka instead. Vess, after distracting Tormin, activated controls that caused the ship to shake violently, allowing Nix and Vess to escape. After being chased by Tormin to a sealed door, with Tormin demanding them to comply. The two was rescued then after the BX commando droid ND-5 cranked open the door and rescued the two, allowing them to escape.
Upon returning to the Trailblazer, they encountered ND-5 again, along with the crime lord Jaylen Vrax. Vrax, having heard of Vess's infiltration of Sliro's mansion, sought to recruit her as a slicer for a heist on the mansion, aiming to extract 157 million credits worth of unmarked beskar ingots. Vess eventually agreed, and she and Nix were hired as part of the crew for the heist, with ND-5 serving as their bodyguard and administrator.
Based on ND-5's recommendation, Nix traveled to the frozen world of Kijimi with the crew to recruit Ank Parako, the designated safecracker for the heist. Nix and Vess infiltrated the Ashiga District in Kijimi City to locate her. While her exact location remained unknown, they discovered that the Crimson Dawn had stolen a relic from the Ashiga Clan. ND-5 believed that recovering the relic would convince Queen Ashiga to release Parako. The two then ventured to the Crimson Dawn hotspot known as the Wellspring, successfully infiltrating and recovering the Ashiga Relic. Subsequently, Nix and Vess journeyed to the Ashiga Clan Stronghold to meet Queen Ashiga and return the relic. Although the queen denied the request to free Ank, she assured that Parako would be released if they continued to work for the Ashiga.
Contacted by Krisk Ashiga, Nix and Vess traveled to a cantina to meet her there. At the cantina, they were met by not only by Krisk, but also the Crimson Dawn leader Qi'ra, who was able to convince and hire Vess and Nix to help Krisk take over the hive for the greater good, in return for the safecracker. The two then infiltrated the Ashiga Weapons Factory to rescue Ank Parako. However, Parako revealed that she was hired by Crimson Dawn, and can only work on one job at a time. Together with the crew, Nix infiltrated the Ashiga Stronghold and helped disable the turrets. After securing Parako, the crew would then head off to recruit the remainder of the required crew
Following Vess's suggestion, Nix traveled with the crew to the forest planet of Akiva to recruit the Rodian droidsmith Gedeek Obaz. ND-5 suggested that they look for his location at the cantina known as the Alcazar, owned by the Sullustan gangster Surat Nuat. The two then received information from Nuat that Obaz is trapped in an Imperial Research Base. Nix then infiltrated the Imperial Base along with Vess, able to find and rescue Obaz, while also discovering that he has been working on improved viper probe droids for the Galactic Empire. ND-5 suggested afterwards that they should find out why Obaz is being hunted by the syndicates and then fix it. Obaz advised that they need to improve the speeder in order to eradicate the viper droids, the source of his hardship from the syndicates. Nix then traveled with Vess to rescue Temmin Wexley, who helped install the speeder upgrade.
With the speeder upgrade installed, Vess and Nix is able to travel to meet their contact. Arriving at the location, the two were attacked by viper droids, but was assisted by Rebel soldiers to help take it down. In order to secure Obaz, Vess and Nix would work with the Rebel Alliance once again to hijack the Imperial viper probe droids. Together, Nix and Vess infiltrated the Imperial base and encountered the Imperial Security Bureau, who held a large portion of the base. The two was ultimately able to help Gedeek reprogram the viper droids and secure the base. The crew would then recruit Gedeek, and head off to recruit the remainder of the required crew.
Seeking a heavy for the heist, Nix accompanied the crew to the desert planet of Tatooine to recruit the Sullustian gunslinger Hoss. In the isolated town of Wayfar, they encountered Sheriff Quint Cresadde, who reported having cornered Hoss at a nearby moisture farm. Upon reaching the farm, they discovered only the deceased body of a bounty hunter and a transponder. Utilizing the transponder, Nix and Vess tracked Hoss's trail, discovering that a Tusken Raider tribe had captured him as a hostage in exchange for their stolen krayt dragon pearl. Nix then joined Vess in searching for and retrieving the pearl to trade for Hoss's release. Although Hoss was secured, he informed that he has a tab at the to pay at Chalmun's Cantina, telling Nix and Vess to wait at the Docking Bay.
After waiting for a long time, Hoss is nowhere to be found, with Vess finding out that he is at the Cantina. Arriving at the cantina, Nix and Vess found Hoss playing Sabacc with an Aqualish gambler, who defeated Hoss in the game, demanding his payment. However, Hoss took Nix from Vess to make up as payment, with the audience knocking down Vess before she can take back Nix. The gambler would then sell Nix as an exotic pet to Jabba the Hutt, taking and trapping him in the menagerie of Jabba's Palace. However, Nix was rescued by Vess, who infiltrated Jabba's Palace to come and rescue him. Reunited, the two attempted to escape the palace, but was confronted by Jabba the Hutt himself, who discovered Vess' intentions after hearing from Hoss and Zerek Besh. Jabba would then activate the trapdoor to make Vess fall inside his rancor pit along with Vail Tormin and Hoss. Nix would also jump in to help Vess.
Inside the pit, the group was met by two massiffs instead, with Vess and Tormin pushing Hoss to make him get killed and devoured by the massifs. Nix, along with the others, made their way to the hangar of the palace, but was attacked by Jabba's pet rancor, Pateesa. Working together, the three temporarily neutralized the rancor, but was unable to escape after being pinned down by Hutt enforcers. The three was met again by Jabba, but he was able to give them a chance of redemption after being entertained and noticing their skillset. Jabba informed that they need to find the name of a Zerek Besh spy within the palace by infiltrating an Imperial facility, and is grounded on Tatooine until then. Nix would later infiltrate Fort Sunfire with Vess and Tormin to pick up the data, and is later rescued by ND-5 from the Imperial forces. With the data given to Jabba, Nix and Vess would decide the next steps for the heist.
With much of the crew recruited, Nix and Vess returned to the Trailblazer, and ND-5 would start looking for a suitable slicer for the heist. Suddenly, ND-5 began experiencing an urgent malfunction, moving uncontrollably due to the damage he has previously sustained on Akiva. Obaz advised that they need to visit Temmin Wexley to repair him. After traveling to Wexley's workshop, the crew traversed through the Ancient Catacombs of Akvia to arrive at the Akiva production plant, an abandoned Confederacy of Independent Systems droid factory. However, the crew encountered Rebel Alliance members, agreeing to a truce by letting Nix and Vess rescue captured Rebel prisoners in return for repairing ND-5. Nix then traveled with Vess to free the prisoners captured by the Hutts, with the Rebels being able to find a compound regulator to successfully repair ND-5. With ND back with the crew, Nix would then return to the Trailblazer.
In order to carry out the heist, the crew requires Sliro's vault codes to allow access to his vault. Nix traveled aboard an Imperial Lambda shuttle to infiltrate the ISB station known as Derosha Six, along with Kay and her reunited mother, Riko Vess. Nix aided Kay in infiltrating the station and access the vault codes, and escaped the station with the Vesses afterwards.
After Nix and the others returned to Canto Bight, the crew would gather up at The Broken Hoof cantina. Nix ate some fruits served in the cantina while the crew began discussing their plan for the heist.
The heist began as the crew landed on a nearby area of the mansion, securing the area for the newly appointed heavy, Asara Deyn, to open the hatch leading to the ventilation systems. After traversing through to reach the vault, Nix and Kay regrouped with Riko and Obaz at the gates leading up to the vault, and slicing through the security systems to arrive at the safe. The crew were able to extract the goods and escape with Tormin's help, arriving at the Canto sewers and creating a plan to exit through the Canto Casino. However, the casino was already locked down by Zerek Besh forces, with the crew blasting their way out to escape with the Trailblazer.
On the Trailblazer, the Vess was betrayed by Vrax after he revealed that his true goal was to secure a codex that would win the Galactic Empire's favor and allow him to take over Zerek Besh. Nix would find Vess stunned and locked in a pod inside the Trailblazar, who has been rescued by Parako and Obaz. Parako revealed that they are aboard the Imperial star destroyer Revelator, and can now leave with Vess secured. However, Vess suggested that they still need to rescue ND-5, who is unable to walk away due to his restraining bolt. Nix would then keep Vess' blaster and remain hidden to allow her to be disguised as a stormtrooper. After following Vess, Nix would find her trying to trap ND-5 at the power cores of the star destroyer, an attempt which failed an caused her to be grabbed by ND-5. Nix would drop the blaster from above, allowing Vess to fire and destroy the restraining bolt upon ND-5. With the restraining bolt removed, ND-5 is freed and is able to kill Vrax, with the crew successfully escaping the Revelator.
On Akiva orbit, the star destroyer is moving into orbit-bombardment position to fire on the Rebel base. Vess would stay instead of jumping into hyperspace to help him. Nix, along with the crew, was able to hold out long enough for rebel reinforcements to arrive, with syndicates forces also arriving in search of the codex. Together, the combined forces destroyed the ship's shields and reactor, causing a chain explosion devastating the entire star destroyer. The crew then jumped into hyperspace, returning to Cantonica.
With brown hair, green eyes, and skin covered in blue-gray scales and fur, along with a strong tail and six head-mounted feelers, Nix was a distinctive merqaal. Evidencing considerable intelligence, Nix readily followed Kay Vess's instructions. He often enjoyed indulging in foodstuff with Vess and discovering and hoarding items from various locations.
Nix's bond with Vess was profound; she represented his motivation, his closest companion, his sole family, and he was fiercely protective of her. He followed her everywhere. Though appearing "cute," Nix could become ferocious when necessary. His mood often mirrored Vess's.
As a merqaal, Nix possessed exceptional agility and sticky paws, enabling him to scale walls. Coupled with his diminutive size, Nix could access areas and shortcuts inaccessible to individuals like Kay Vess, making him a skilled thief. He could also activate switches or buttons, distract guards, and even retrieve weapons for Vess.

In the 2024 video game Star Wars Outlaws, Dee Bradley Baker provides the voice for Nix. The script for Nix included descriptions such as "curious squeak" and "relaxed chirp," which Baker was free to interpret when creating sound effects. Nix was initially revealed in the game's trailer. Throughout the game, Nix acts as Kay Vess's companion, joining her on her mission to steal from the Zerek Besh syndicate and survive the criminal world. Because Outlaws is an open-world game, the player is not required to experience every possible interaction with Nix to complete the game's narrative.