Jabba Desilijic Tiure's will

Jabba Desilijic Tiure's final testament represented the last wishes of Jabba the Hutt. Following Jabba's demise, his will became a source of "never-ending arguments" among other Hutts, prompting them to sift through the debris of the Khetanna to understand how Jabba died. Ultimately, they discovered a holographic recording of the saving of Han Solo, a recording that became a valuable commodity "shared only among the elite" in the following eras.

Behind the scenes

The concept of Jabba Desilijic Tiure's will was initially introduced into Star Wars official lore through Claudia Gray's 2016 novel Bloodline. The idea originated with Hollace and Paul Davids for their 1992 book, Zorba the Hutt's Revenge.

