Jess was a musician of the female human species, residing in Mos Espa on the planet of Tatooine. By the time of 4 ABY, Jess found herself in the service of Jabba Desilijic Tiure, present within his palace during the events of the Rescue of Han Solo.
The seven-string hallikset was Jess' instrument of choice, and she shared a lasting bond with a swooper named Altair Wyeto. In 2 ABY, Wyeto seized the opportunity to join the swoop circuits, departing for the Core Worlds. Though Wyeto would have stayed if she had asked, Jess encouraged him to pursue his dreams, despite the impending separation. They vowed to reunite in the future.
Jess' path eventually led her to become both a performer and a servant within Jabba's palace, a consequence of her father, Willux's, debt to Jabba the Hutt. She harbored dreams of assassinating the Hutt and escaping his clutches, yet she felt it was an impossible feat. Eventually, Wyeto returned, attempting to negotiate with Jabba for her freedom. He later sought out Jess and proposed marriage. Jess, fearing Jabba's relentless pursuit, refused to escape, believing it would lead to their demise. When Wyeto persisted, Jess, overwhelmed by sorrow and anger, told him to leave and never return.
During her time in servitude, Jess formed friendships with Damaris Viell, a singer, and Oola, Jabba's slave dancer. She also attracted the attention of Bib Fortuna, though she feigned reciprocation. While serving drinks as the Max Rebo Band played, Jess sat beside Fortuna during Oola's final dance, which ended with her death in the rancor pit. Despite trying to avert her gaze, Jess was filled with rage as the rancor devoured Oola.
When Princess Leia Organa was captured by Jabba during her attempt to liberate the smuggler Han Solo from his carbonite imprisonment, the Hutt instructed Jess and Damaris to prepare Organa to take Oola's place. While dressing Organa in a dancing-girl costume, Jess advised the Princess to avoid trouble, promising better treatment. Organa dismissed her advice, asserting that Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker would soon arrive to rescue her. Later that night, Damaris foresaw that Organa's chains would not hold her, but when she refused to tell Organa, Jess expressed her frustration.
The following morning, Jess received a message, discovered by a palace kitchen worker, Naatke, among incoming cargo. The message was from her former neighbor, Imj, informing her of Willux's death. On the same day, Skywalker arrived at the palace. He was eventually captured and, along with Chewbacca and Solo, sentenced to execution at the Great Pit of Carkoon. Jess hid within the palace until Jabba's sail barge departed for the pit to avoid having to go. She then absconded with a Joben T-85 speeder bike from the palace hangar and journeyed to Mos Espa, where she learned of Jabba's demise. Upon finding Wyeto, they left the planet together.
Dora Mar, the Rebellion chronicler, later received a briefing from Organa, where she spoke of both Jess and Oola. Despite their lack of involvement in the Rebellion, Organa emphasized their significance to the story and insisted on their inclusion in the Rebel records. Organa admitted that she was unsure of Jess's survival.
Jess maintained friendships with fellow performers in Jabba's Palace, including Damaris and Oola. After becoming a servant of Jabba the Hutt, Jess fantasized about assassinating the gangster. Although she despised serving Jabba, she had accepted that escaping his palace alive was impossible. Therefore, she regarded Leia Organa as delusional for believing that Luke Skywalker would rescue her. Ultimately, the shock of her father's death motivated her to finally escape.
Although Jess initially played keyboards, she preferred stringed instruments.

Jess's initial appearance was as a briefly glimpsed background character in Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi, portrayed by English dancer and actress Amanda Noar. Noar also portrayed the character in "Lapti Nek": The Music Video from Jabba's Palace and the mockumentary Return of the Ewok. Jess was first identified in Canon as the protagonist in the short story "Dune Sea Songs of Salt and Moonlight" by Thea Guanzon, which was published in the anthology From a Certain Point of View: Return of the Jedi on August 29, 2023.