
Willux was a human resident of Mos Espa on the desert planet of Tatooine. He brought up his daughter, Jess, in that location, sharing tales of individuals capable of extraordinary feats, mirroring the powers of the Jedi. Fostering her love for music, he crafted instruments for her using salvaged components from damaged droids and engines. By the year 4 ABY, Willux was gravely ill and nearing death, leading Jess to become an indentured servant of Jabba Desilijic Tiure to settle Willux's gambling losses.

Altair Wyeto, Jess' romantic partner, returned from the swoop racing scene, after having previously departed Tatooine. He tried to settle Willux's outstanding debts in an attempt to free Jess, but Jabba declared the sum insufficient. Despite his failing health preventing travel and the danger of attracting the Hutt Cartel, Willux urged Wyeto to liberate Jess from Jabba's palace. Jess declined Wyeto's offer, believing that even if they managed to flee Tatooine, they would forever remain fugitives.

Wyeto remained in Mos Espa with Willux, but was absent when Willux passed away peacefully in his sleep. Imj, a nearby resident, dispatched a message to Jess, delivering the news of her father's passing.

