The Galleon, serving as the headquarters for Kragan Gorr's Warbird gang on Castilon, was essentially a sail barge constructed from repurposed, aged Imperial vehicles.
This sail barge, the Galleon, was assembled using various obsolete vehicles originating from the Galactic Empire. Wings from a Lambda-class T-4a shuttle provided stability, while its primary structure was formed from a salvaged All Terrain Armored Transport. The crow's nest was crafted from the hollowed-out foot of an All Terrain Tactical Enforcer, among other components. Furthermore, the Galleon was outfitted with a hyperdrive.
The Galleon possessed multiple laser cannons and could house swoops, skiffs, and starfighters, all similarly constructed from recycled parts.
When Kragan occupied the captain's chair on the bridge of the Galleon, he utilized the telescope for locating targets, including directing fire towards a battalion of TIE/fo space superiority fighters. The Galleon also incorporated a hangar from which skiffs were deployed to hunt a jakoosk on the ice moon Celsor 3.
In 34 ABY, Kragan Gorr and his pirate organization used the Galleon as their base of operations on Castilon. During the Torra Doza's abduction from the Colossus station, the pirates Drell and Valik employed a skiff to transport Torra to the Galleon, with Kazuda Xiono in the Fireball in pursuit.
After the pirates reached the Galleon with Torra, Kazuda remained in the vicinity, unwilling to abandon her. Consequently, the Galleon fired upon him, inflicting damage on the Fireball. The First Order, allied with the Warbird gang, arrived aboard an Upsilon-class command shuttle to reward the pirates for their success. However, Major Elrik Vonreg and his First Order stormtroopers betrayed the pirates, rescued Torra, and returned her to the Colossus.
Following the First Order's betrayal of the pirates, they intercepted a distress signal from the Colossus, indicating, according to Kazuda, that the First Order had seized complete control of the station, stating they were "under total lockdown and in danger" and requesting immediate assistance. Upon receiving this message, the pirates engaged the First Order in combat to liberate the Colossus and eliminate the TIE/fo space superiority fighters, until the arrival of the Resurgent-class Star Destroyer Thunderer, at which point Kaz ordered everyone (Ace Squadron and the Warbird gang) to retreat to the Colossus in preparation for a jump to hyperspace.
The Galleon arrived at the rendezvous point with the ship Meson Martinet, commanded by Sidon Ithano of his crew, within the asteroid field. Sidon, inquiring about the Crimson Corsair's recent activities, was told by Kragan to dispense with the pleasantries. Kragan, delighted by the sight of a battalion of B2-series super battle droids, instructed Drell to provide the credits to the Crimson Corsair, believing that the battle droids would aid his plan to take over the Colossus.