An unoccupied depot for armaments existed in Coruscant's Level 1315. In that location, Barriss Offee furnished Letta Turmond with the nano-droids used to bomb the Jedi Temple throughout the Clone Wars conflict.
Following Ahsoka Tano's escape, subsequent to being falsely accused of Turmond's death, leading the Jedi Order to think she committed the bombings, Offee guided her to the depot, alleging she had discovered evidence. Subsequently, Offee, in the guise of Asajj Ventress, assaulted Tano, triggering a blast that drew the attention of the Coruscant underworld police. Anakin Skywalker and Clone Commander Wolffe proceeded to trap and apprehend Tano after incapacitating her. They also located the nano-droids within nearby storage containers, seemingly solidifying her culpability.