Emperor's Observatory

The Emperor's Observatory, alternatively known as Palpatine's Observatory, situated on the planet of Pillio, represented one of several such facilities. These observatories were maintained by the Galactic Emperor Palpatine across the galaxy, each contributing to his overarching ambition of exploring beyond the galaxy's known boundaries. The Pillio site specifically housed various artifacts sourced from the Emperor's personal collection.

Following the Emperor's demise, in 4 ABY, the Emperor's Observatory was discovered by Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker alongside Imperial Agent Del Meeko from Inferno Squad. Meeko's directives involved obliterating the observatory, but Skywalker persuaded him against this course of action, urging him to prevent any harm to the planet itself. Skywalker departed the Observatory with a compass, an artifact he intuitively recognized as significant.


The Emperor's Observatory functioned as a fortified bunker located on the planet Pillio. It stood as one of numerous observatories established throughout the galaxy by Emperor Palpatine, who was also known as the Dark Lord of the Sith. These observatories were designed to scrutinize beyond the galactic rim, with the goal of uncovering what existed beyond the familiar reaches of the galaxy, with each one having a unique purpose. The Pillio observatory contained various objects collected by the Emperor before his death, including a compass. The bunker lacked a conventional locking system, and access could only be achieved through the use of the Force.

Furthermore, the Pillio observatory contained a replica of the Emperor's yacht, the Imperialis.


During the period of the Clone Wars, while serving as the Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic, Sheev Palpatine experienced a compelling urge originating from the uncharted regions beyond the galaxy's edge. His ambition was to explore the Unknown Regions and the various galaxies situated beyond his own, even postulating that these unexplored areas might hold the key to his dark side abilities. As part of this exploration, he commissioned the construction of observatories, including the one on Pillio, which he utilized to store a variety of artifacts.

In 4 ABY, Emperor Palpatine met his demise during the Battle of Endor. Following this event, Inferno Squad member Del Meeko received orders to lead a group of Imperial troopers to Pillio with the objective of destroying the Observatory. Simultaneously, Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker also journeyed to Pillio. The Force had drawn him to Pillio, and the arrival of Imperial forces validated his suspicion that the planet held something of particular importance.

Luke Skywalker opens the door to the Emperor's Observatory using the Force.

After Skywalker defeated the Imperial troops he encountered and rescued Meeko, who was trapped after an encounter with scritters inhabiting Pillio, the two collaborated to locate the Emperor's Observatory; neither perceived the other as a true adversary. Upon their arrival, the Jedi employed the Force to open the entrance, leading Meeko to realize that the Emperor—the individual responsible for the destruction of the Jedi Order—also possessed the power of the Force. Once inside, Meeko concluded that the items within held little significance or value to warrant the Emperor's protection, but Skywalker discovered the Emperor's compass. Meeko permitted him to keep it, and Skywalker convinced Meeko to refrain from destroying the Observatory, arguing that the Empire had already inflicted sufficient harm on innocent worlds.

Behind the scenes

The Emperor's Observatory on Pillio was first featured in a mission within the single-player campaign of Star Wars Battlefront II. The concept of observatories and their connection to uncharted space had been previously established in Star Wars: The Aftermath Trilogy.

