Lar Kantayan

Lar Kantayan was a male human operative within the ranks of the Imperial Security Bureau, functioning as an agent. Before the [destruction of Jedha City](/article/destruction_of_jedha_city], the ISB dispatched Kantayan to infiltrate the Partisans, where he collaborated with a man named Staven. After the Empire recalled him due to his mission's lack of success, Kantayan received a new assignment to the planet Vardos. While stationed on Vardos, Kantayan adopted the name Azen Novaren and continued to communicate with Staven, who had risen to the position of leader of the Dreamers after Saw Gerrera met his death on Jedha. Upon the suggestion of the Mentor, Novaren enlisted the services of the disgraced Imperial Iden Versio following her accusation of sedition.

During a mission to the planet Affadar, Gideon Hask of Inferno Squad falsely accused Novaren of planting a homing beacon on the group's shuttle. This action alerted the Empire to the Dreamers' presence, leading to the demise of Kaev and Nadrine. Upon his return to the Dreamers' encampment on Jeosyn, the Dreamers discovered proof of his treachery, resulting in his death after enduring seven hours of torture.

