
Nadrine, a human female, served as a member of the Dreamers. Her expertise lay in explosives, and she was responsible for the Dreamers' unique approach to creating suicide bombs disguised as jewelry. She shared a romantic connection with Staven, who led the Dreamers. On a mission to Affadar aimed at exposing Emoch Akagarti, a corrupt Imperial leader who permitted the consumption of dangerously contaminated water by his citizens, she joined Staven, Iden Versio, Gideon Hask, and Kaev to capture Akagarti's confession at the water treatment plant. Following the successful recording, Nadrine pressed to obtain additional video proof of Akagarti's widespread fraudulent equipment. But, when Imperial reinforcements appeared and killed Kaev, she tried to rescue her fellow Dreamers, ultimately giving her life to do so. Her death deeply affected Staven, leaving him in a somber mood for days thereafter.

