Satine's Lament, alternatively referred to as Leia's blaster, represented a specific variant of the Defender sporting blaster pistol. This particular model was manufactured by the Drearian Defense Conglomerate. The blaster pistol itself received its designation as an homage to Mandalore's previous Duchess, Satine Kryze, who ruled the planet. A notable user of the Satine's Lament was Princess Leia Organa, a significant figure within the Alliance to Restore the Republic. She favored this weapon throughout the duration of the Galactic Civil War, making it her primary means of defense. As an example, when her ship underwent boarding above Tatooine, Organa employed it against Imperial stormtroopers. She eliminated the squad leader with a precise shot, resulting in death, prior to being stunned. Subsequently, she deployed it in 4 ABY in the Battle of Theed. Furthermore, she maintained its use during the First Order-Resistance War, notably employing it to stun Poe Dameron, a pilot belonging to the Resistance, during a mutinous event that occurred on the Raddus.