A magnetic seal represented a type of magnetic technology. This technology had the capacity to deflect blaster projectiles and could be implemented across an entire room.
During the escape of former Vice Admiral Edmon Rampart, Crosshair observed that Rampart's cell door utilized a magnetic seal. Consequently, he and Wrecker initiated Plan 55, leveraging the magnetic seal to create a ricochet effect, causing a blaster bolt to strike the guards. The Ore crawler, specifically Crawler 413-24, featured a magnetically sealed door, which prevented Kanan Jarrus from employing his lightsaber to force entry and stop Seevor. The cargo container found on All Terrain Armored Cargo Transports was also magnetically sealed. The doors and walls within the garbage compactors aboard the Death Star incorporated magnetic seals, a fact discovered by Corellian smuggler Han Solo when his attempt to shoot the masher's hatch resulted in his blaster bolt ricocheting wildly within the metal enclosure, almost hitting him and his allies. Vintians had the option to become magnetically sealed. In the course of a pirate raid, pirate captain Silvo instructed his crew to utilize an arc welder in order to bypass the magnetically secured vault.