Gideon's guard

A squad of guards, specifically death troopers, were under the command of Moff Gideon, who led a remnant of the Galactic Empire. This unit was used to try and trap the Mandalorian Din Djarin alongside his companions, until reinforcements managed to break through the defensive line that the guard and several stormtroopers had established. Djarin's group fought against and defeated the death troopers until the warlord himself joined the fight with four more guards, shifting the advantage in his favor.


This guard unit was a squad of death troopers, which are considered elite stormtroopers trained for service to high-ranking individuals within the Galactic Empire. These troopers were equipped with E-11D blaster carbines and C-25 fragmentation grenades.


By the year 9 ABY, this guard of death troopers was in the service of Moff Gideon, the leader of an Imperial remnant. Gideon eventually deployed the unit to the planet Nevarro to aid in his pursuit of the Force-sensitive child Grogu. As part of a planned ambush, the death trooper unit was positioned outside of a common house located in Nevarro City, where Grogu's protectors were in the process of handing over a decoy of the child to one of Gideon's subordinates. Gideon gave the order for the death troopers to begin firing on the building, resulting in the deaths of Gideon's own people inside and suppressing Grogu's protectors. The guard was then reinforced by numerous stormtroopers, who formed a blockade around the common house, with Gideon at the front issuing an ultimatum to his adversaries inside.

Two members of Gideon's guard fight Din Djarin

After Gideon departed, his guard and the rest of the blockade maintained their position outside the common house. This lasted until the IG-series assassin droid IG-11, who was transporting the real Grogu, launched an attack on the Imperial forces in Nevarro City while riding a 74-Z speeder bike. Disrupting the death trooper guard and the stormtroopers, IG-11 dismounted the speeder bike and sent it crashing into the blockade troopers. With the assassin droid engaged in combat with the troopers outside the common house, the remaining members of Grogu's group joined the conflict, with the Mandalorian bounty hunter Din Djarin battling two of Gideon's guards and killing them with assistance from his ally Greef Karga.

While Djarin and his allies were inflicting heavy losses on the troopers, one of the death troopers placed a C-25 fragmentation grenade on one of the entrances to the common house, creating an opening for the death trooper and two others from the guard to enter. The trio immediately opened fire on the former rebel shock trooper Cara Dune, who had been using the interior of the common house as a defensive position. However, Dune emerged from cover and swiftly eliminated all three death troopers. Simultaneously, Gideon and four additional guards joined the fight, with the moff inflicting a critical injury on Djarin. The Mandalorian's companions helped him retreat back into the common house for cover. Gideon then ordered one of his guards to have Grogu's protectors incinerated, leading to the summoning of an incinerator trooper. Ultimately, Djarin and his allies were successful in escaping Gideon's forces with Grogu.

Behind the scenes

Gideon's guard made its debut in "Chapter 7: The Reckoning," an episode from the first season of The Mandalorian, a series created by Jon Favreau for Disney+. Deborah Chow directed the episode, which was broadcast on December 18, 2019.

