The E-11D blaster carbine, a product of BlasTech Industries, was a type of blaster carbine. It saw usage among the Galactic Empire's specialized forces, namely death troopers and Purge Troopers. Exhibiting a design remarkably similar to the E-11 medium blaster rifle, it was distinguished by its stock and a reinforced, large-bore barrel engineered for maximizing both the intensity and rate at which it could fire.

The E-11D blaster carbine, manufactured by BlasTech, served as the standard-issue, lightweight, and robust weapon for the Galactic Empire's death troopers. Specifically engineered for engagements in close-quarters and urban environments—scenarios where death troopers demonstrated exceptional proficiency—the E-11D prioritized stopping power and performance at short ranges over extended reach and pinpoint accuracy. This carbine incorporated a reinforced barrel with a large bore and was designed with integrated enhancements aimed at optimizing power output, balance, and overall handling. Additionally, it featured a built-in stun setting. Furthermore, it could be reconfigured through the addition of a grenade launcher attachment.

E-11D blaster carbines were the weapon of choice for Imperial death troopers. The Death Squad Leader was typically armed with an E-11D. Director Orson Callan Krennic maintained a squad of death troopers, many of whom were equipped with E-11Ds, serving as his personal security detail. In 18 BBY, a detachment of death troopers, originally under Krennic's command, was requested by the Sith Lord Darth Vader, who subsequently led them into the skirmish in the Korakanni Mound. During this conflict, several death troopers carried E-11Ds. During the capture of Galen Erso in 13 BBY, several of Krennic's death troopers brandished E-11Ds as they advanced on Lah'mu in pursuit of the Erso family. Imperial Purge Troopers, upon transitioning to Phase II Purge Trooper armor, adopted the E-11D carbine as their standard weapon.
During his time serving the Empire, Grand Admiral Mitth'raw'nuruodo, known as "Thrawn," was granted a squad of death troopers by the Galactic Emperor Sheev Palpatine himself. This squad acted as Thrawn's personal security, and they were armed with the standard E-11D. During the occupation of Lothal, death troopers, including individuals like DT-L21, were equipped with this standard-issue blaster rifle.

In 1 BBY, members of a death trooper squad under the command of DT-F16 carried E-11Ds during the mission to Faos Station, where they were tasked with safeguarding a shipment of kyber crystal. During the Battle of Scarif, Krennic deployed the majority of his personal death trooper squad, with the exception of two members, to the beaches. The E-11D was the primary weapon for most of these troops.
Following the collapse of the Empire, Gideon's Imperial remnant included a unit of death troopers, all of whom were also armed with the E-11D blaster rifle. The death troopers serving in Thrawn's forces continued to utilize the E-11D during their exile on the extragalactic planet Peridea. Notably, one of these troopers was seen using a variation of the blaster carbine that lacked the typical metallic reinforcement at the barrel's tip.