Mandalorian apprentice

Mandalorian trainees were referred to as Mandalorian apprentices by Mandalorians, notably the Children of the Watch. This title signified advancement beyond the status of a foundling. In approximately 9 ABY, Din Djarin requested that Grogu engage in a duel with Ragnar. Bo-Katan Kryze questioned the wisdom of this, but Djarin responded that such learning was essential for Grogu's progression from foundling to apprentice. Following the retaking of Mandalore, Din declared Grogu to be his apprentice and sought his inclusion in the Song. The Armorer countered that Grogu's youth prevented him from taking the Creed, thus requiring him to remain a foundling. Djarin then suggested that parental consent could allow him to become an apprentice, but the Armorer stated that his parents were likely deceased or far away. Subsequently, Djarin adopted Grogu as his son, thereby granting the necessary permission for apprenticeship. The Armorer then proclaimed that Grogu would henceforth be known as Din Grogu, Mandalorian apprentice. The tribe confirmed this with the phrase "This is the Way." The Armorer tasked Din with departing Mandalore and guiding his apprentice on his travels, mirroring the mentorship he received from his own teacher.

