Aaron McBride

Aaron McBride, employed by Industrial Light & Magic as an artist, is the author and illustrator behind the Old Wounds Star Wars comic, notable for introducing a revived Darth Maul. He also created the cover artwork featuring Darth Vader and Count Dooku for Star Wars Insider 88, and the cover illustrations for the novels Lords of the Sith and Battlefront: Twilight Company.

As a concept artist, McBride contributed to the visual design of the films Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi, and Solo: A Star Wars Story. Furthermore, he worked on ILMxLAB's immersive experiences Star Wars: Secrets of the Empire and Vader Immortal: A Star Wars VR Series – Episode I.

Among his Star Wars contributions are the designs for the Summa Verminoth Space Monster, Anakin Skywalker's prosthetic limbs, the racing fathier creatures, and the Vulptex inhabitants of Crait.





Notes and references

  • Aaron McBride on Industrial Light & Magic's official website (backup link)
  • Aaron McBride (@amcb_toraidhe) on Instagram (backup link (amcb_toraidhe) not verified!)
  • Aaron McBride ( @AmcbToraidhe ) on Twitter (backup link (AmcbToraidhe) not verified!)
