Old Wounds

"Old Wounds," a 13-page comic book story that is not considered canon, was released in 2005 as part of Star Wars: Visionaries. Aaron McBride both wrote and illustrated it, while Jonathan W. Rinzler served as its editor. The narrative unfolds in the year 16 BBY.

Storyline Summary

Obi-Wan and Maul fight a rematch.

Darth Maul, now equipped with bionic legs replacing his lost ones, sets out to the Lars homestead with vengeance in mind, seeking Obi-Wan Kenobi. Upon his arrival, he quickly overpowers Owen Lars. Beru cries out, but it is only when Maul threatens the infant Luke in her arms that Kenobi emerges, questioning whether Palpatine is aware of Maul's continued existence. Maul retorts that he has no interest in his former master or the age-old conflict between the Jedi and the Sith. Maul states that he has been pursuing Kenobi for many years, narrowly missing him on missions to Kamino, Geonosis, and Mustafar, and that he eliminated numerous witnesses on Polis Massa before extracting vital information in Mos Espa from an elderly Toydarian junk dealer, whom he subsequently murdered.

Maul boasts that he knew threatening Luke would draw his old enemy out. Kenobi, determined to protect Luke, surprises Maul by emerging from beneath the sand. The former Jedi and former Sith engage in combat, during which Maul loses an arm. The duel continues until Kenobi gains the upper hand, pressing the deactivated end of his lightsaber against Maul's forehead.

Kenobi is then flooded with memories of past losses suffered at the hands of dark side agents: Qui-Gon Jinn's death at Maul's hands on Naboo; Mace Windu falling from Palpatine's office on Coruscant; Padmé Amidala dying on the medical table on Polis Massa; and Anakin's grievous injuries inflicted by Kenobi himself on Mustafar. Overwhelmed by hatred and a desire for revenge, Kenobi is tempted to activate his lightsaber and kill the helpless Zabrak instantly.

Before Kenobi can act on this impulse, Lars shoots Maul in the head with his retrieved blaster rifle. Kenobi states his intention to dispose of the body by burning it in the Dune Sea. Owen, concerned for the safety of his wife and ward, orders Kenobi to never return to the Lars homestead, fearing that his presence will attract further danger. As he departs, Obi-Wan communicates telepathically to the infant Luke, assuring him that, though unseen, he will always be nearby.

Canon Status

When asked about the canonicity of the Star Wars: Visionaries stories, Leland Chee clarified that this particular story is not part of the official canon. However, a line in The Story of General Grievous: Lord of War by Abel G. Peña suggests a possible connection to canon: "The Soulless One was eventually tracked down by a cyborg acquaintance of Obi-Wan's, an old enemy who anonymously reported the ship to the local Imperial authorities." Additionally, while Watto is depicted alive in 1 ABY in Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided, the Toydarian in "Old Wounds" is never explicitly identified as Watto.

Darth Maul's appearance in Star Wars: The Clone Wars, beginning with the episode "Revenge," was inspired by his design in "Old Wounds."

